Debbie Lojec

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Debbie (Lojec) Hummel

Debra A.

Location: Email:
Reading, PA
Husband: Todd M. Hummel (Married 8/17/91) - Todd graduated from Exeter in 1985.
Children: Tyler (Born 1/25/95)
Nicholas (Born 6/24/98)
Post H.S.
B.S. in Education from Penn State
Occupation: Stay-at-home Mom as of 10-year reunion.

Debbie returned to work in 2004.  She is teaching pre-school and taking classes for her Masters.  (Heather [Hill] Carpenter was actually in her class in her last semester of 2004!)
Pets: Cat named Ernie
Future Career:
In our senior yearbook, Debbie listed "Computers/Elementary Education" as her planned future career path.
Senior Memories (Copied directly from the Senior Yearbook):
Spook Lane ... Great times with CK and JH ... "How are you doin'?" ... Cruzin' Osage with kosh ... Nite Swimming at MZ's ... Ski trip ... football games ... Kangaroo's Pool Parties ... Summer of '85
Chris Mal Notes:
Debbie and I bonded when I sat behind her in typing class. If it wasn't for typing class, you may not be reading this right now!

I received an email from Jason Miller in March of 2001:  "Chris, thanks for taking the time to put this stuff together. I really enjoyed reading about other people. On a few 'Senior Memories' I caught a Spook lane or two. I seem to remember driving down Spook Lane one night and seeing Deb Lojec's silver car (some Chevy kind of thing) stuck high in the trees and rocks. A pretty impressive piece of driving. I don't know if that's what they were referring to and, I certainly would not have remembered it unless I read your page."

And then in August of 2001, I got this from Cathy Ketcher:  "I was in that car also and I can tell you, I am amazed that Deb and I came out of that crash without a scratch, but he car was totaled!  That was the night of a home basketball game and we were on a goose hunt (I won't say who we were in search of), and as we turned a curve on Spook Lane, Debbie braked and the car slid in some gravel and slid right up into the trees and hit the big boulder head on.  We landed sideways and Deb was laying on me on the passenger side.  Thanks to the neighbors who heard this crash, they came out and helped us out.  Needless to say, we were dropped off at the basketball game that night!  Shaken but we had a good time at the game!  And that's the story!  That's why we have "Spook Lane" listed in our memories in the yearbook!

And from Brendan Kane in January of 2004:  "Yep, I saw the car on Spook Lane too."

Debbie lives up the street from Alan Ganas (Class of '84).  Their kids go to kindergarten together.

Deb was visiting her Dad in the hospital on 3/10/05 and was moved to a new room - his roommate was none other than Mr. Hunsburger of "The Chick Shop" fame!  She said that he still looks the same and is still telling the same jokes.  And, over the past weekend she ran into Miss Brobst who was visiting someone at the hospital.
Mr. Choyka's
History Class
(10th Grade)
Students looking really bored.

Debbie Lojec, 5th Grade, 1979
Middle School: 1979
5th Grade Class Picture

Number of words per minute
that Debbie can type
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