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Sadly, the world is full of A-holes,
and I was getting bombarded by spam
into this Guestbook page, so I had
to remove the form to leave comments.

Never fear, however.  You can still leave
messages to this website. You just need to email
me directly with whatever you have to say.
Your comments will be added within 24 hours.

Send your Guestbook comments to:


Hit Counter

people are very curious about what other people are saying.


Guest Book Entry #433
Christopher Allen Malinowski

Hello my name is Christopher Allen Malinowski.  I just wanted to say hello to another Chris Malinowski.  Have a good day.

Guest Book Entry #432
Jon Franckowiak (a.k.a. Jon Frankow)
Comments:  Hi Chris,

Yep, it's me, your old scouting and D&D pal. Long time. I see you have worked the football fantasy leagues past their early Atari iterations. And in Los Angeles? For the love of the Game- Why? Did you get your NESA Eagle Registry Letter? Did you call in like a sucker like me? I thought of you a year or two ago when I started getting these odd black and white photocopied sheets left all over my neighborhood. Strangely enough, it was a picture of the 1986 JV Bowling team of which I was sadly a negligent part. When I finally tracked down the perpetrator of this scandalous mis-deed, I discovered that pic is available by Googling my name. Nothing about my children's book or different awards over the years, just that. It was good for a laugh, but I'm afraid I owe you a moderate beating next time we meet :) Anyway, if you get the chance, drop me a few lines. Our 20 year reunion is next month so I have been in touch with people I haven't heard from in, well 20 years, so I've been almost as nostalgic as when my dad died. BTW, I'm living in Kennesaw, GA now. My email address tells you where I work, but if you still do bang-bang work on websites I'll have to try harder to reach you. You can look at my dilapidated and outdated one and see what I've doing with my spare time (no, it's not porn! Sheesh, why does everyone automatically think... but I digress.) is the address.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Jon Franckowiak

Candy (Boarder) Hall ("Cuz Candy")
  Hey, Chris Mal...It's your cuz, Candy. How are you? Very nice job with the website. Hope all is well. I love the picture of your new edition. She is just beautiful.

Talk to you soon,
Cuz Candy

Guest Book Entry #430
Nysia Petrakis

You've done a great job maintaining this website. 

~Nysia ('89)

Guest Book Entry #429
Kim Bennett (a.k.a. Binky)
Comments:  It's been a long time since I've been to my pal's page.  I can say one thing: it's scary as hell.  The last time I was here I would drag my mouse across the page and fruit and flowers and fairies would be left behind.  Now I come to the home page and it's like the gates of hell are opening and trying to swallow me.  Binky out.

Guest Book Entry #429
Ethan Miller

Guest Book Entry #428
Tony Porco
Comments:  "I love the ones that look like a Japanese Beetle.  --Dickie Delp."  What was the context in which this statement was made?  Just curious.

Guest Book Entry #427
Laura (Schnader) Van Aken
Comments:  Hey reunion photographer!! Where are the pictures?  And the stories?  We thought this site was all you do with your spare time!!

Guest Book Entry #426
Janine Lysczek Wonderland

Guest Book Entry #425
Karen (Orth) Rimby
Comments:  Hi Chris! I hope all is well with your family.

Guest Book Entry #424
Carol VanCouer
Comments:  Hi Chris,

Chrissy told me about your website and linked me to it.

I enjoyed all the photos very much.

Give my love to everyone - your Mom and Dad, Lynn and her family, and of course to you and yours.

Take care,

Guest Book Entry #423
Chrissy VanCouer
Comments:  I absolutely love your web page!  Jolie is adorable and so are Lynn's littler girls.  I can't wait to see pictures of Payton.  It was nice to see some familiar faces on your class of '86 page and the reunion page.  I will check back for updated pictures.  Take care!

[Note from the editor: Chrissy is a MPHS Class of 1996 graduate.  She lived across the street from me when I lived on South 23rd Street.  I used to help Sherri Becker babysit Chrissy and her brother Phil on occasion.  Chrissy found my newly created MySpace page while searching through MySpace for MPHS graduates.]

Guest Book Entry #422
Ekim Olipac
Comments:  I'm all about watching babies increase.  The more they increase the physicaler they get.  Obviously!

[Note from the editor: Hmm, never noticed that Yahoo backwards is Oohay.]

Guest Book Entry #421
Comments:  they are beautiful all those babies will be beautiful and adorable people when they increase congratulations to all

[Note from the editor: Nothing is more adorable than an increasing baby.]

Guest Book Entry #420
Steve Ostrowski
Comments:  Hey, what happened to the Birthdays and Anniversaries link?

[Note from the editor: Sadly, it has been discontinued.  My birthday is August 18th.  Remember it.  That's all that matters.]

Guest Book Entry #419
Tony Monachello
Comments:  Hey Pete, been a long time. Yeah, I still have a few teams, old habits and all, hope all is well with you, just wanted to say hello.

[Note from the editor: Tony!........Wait, who's Pete?]

Guest Book Entry #418
Donese (Mabry) Scott
Comments:  GREAT webpage!! I sure wish the Class of '88 had one.

Guest Book Entry #417
Mark Pellerite
Comments:  Hey great site. How do I get in touch to update my info?

Guest Book Entry #416
Mike Murphy
Comments:  Great Page. But not one mention of the Heart concert anywhere? We got a ride home with a guy with a GUN!!!

[Note from the editor: Ah, sweet memories.  Just an hour or so after hearing the Wilson sisters belt out a gawd-awful version of Led Zeppelin's "Rock and Roll", a tire on the Murphmobile went flat in the middle of no where on 422.  We were about 15 minutes past King of Prussia, we believe not far the prison, and there was no lug wrench in the car.  10 minutes later a kind gentleman pulled over, curious why four teenaged boys - myself, Murph, Tom Holland and Steve Julian - were standing on the side of the road staring at a flat tire in an effort to mentally fix the hole and inflate the tire.  Fortunately, he had a lug wrench.  Unfortunately, it didn't fit the lugs on Murph's car.  Sooooo..."Where do you live?"  Reading.  "Wow...that's not very close.  I don't care...Hop in!"  Steve was the first one to start to get in the car when he froze.  "Get in, you fool, I'm cold."  Steve mumbles, "A gun."  "Get in, moron, what's your problem."  "A gun, a gun, a gun."  "Sooooo...get in."  And off we went.  It's 1AM or so, and we're in a car with a strange dude with a gun laying on the floor of the passenger side.  How evil could he be?  He was blaring Phil Collins.  What kind of guy listens to Susudio and abducts teen-aged boys?  Suddenly, he gets off at an exit...NOT our exit.  We all look at each other with a crooked smile and shrugged.  5 minutes later - or what seemed like eternity - he pulled into a gas station.  Whew.  Back on 422 we went.  Not many people on the road, but at one point he got stuck behind two cars next to each other, going about the same speed.  "Watch this!" he says, as he pulls out his flashing volunteer fireman's light, reaches out the window, and pops it on the top of his car.  "Works every time."  Going about 90 MPH, we were home in no time at all.]

Guest Book Entry #415
Beverly (Kercher) Burge
Comments:  Hello Chris, been out of contact for awhile.  I have a new email address.  Your web site is awesome!  Is there any talk of a reunion that you know about?

Guest Book Entry #414
Katherine Weikel

[Note from the editor: It seems the Weikels have taken over for the Efraimsons.]

Guest Book Entry #413
Mike Capilo
Comments:  Where's the Pets Page?  How does one "respond to all with history?"  How do I know if that's happened to me?  So I can be upset.  I hope I'm the first to sign your Guestbook in 2006!  Happy New Year.

[Note from the editor: The Pets Page has been discontinued due to lack of interest...mostly on my part.  It's still there, though.  It's just hidden.  CLICK HERE.]

Guest Book Entry #412
Lori (Quaintance) Hevalow
  I have an update: My webpage to "Southern Living at Home" is

I am in contact with Darren Modricker's Mother through a Mommy-and-Me group I attend with my daughter Julia.  Darren is married and has a beautiful daughter named Jasmine.  Darren has his own photography business called Darren Modricker Photography located in Reading.

My oldest daughter Nicole is working at Ozzy's Sports Fun Center as a party entertainer.  She's an excellent hostess, so request her for you next party and don't forget to tip her well.  Tell her that her Mom sent you. ;)

Guest Book Entry #411
Bob Stout

  I totally agree with your Bitch of the month, but then again, the question still remains, why don't people understand it.  It remains an enigma.

[Note from the editor: This was the bitch...]
Just how many emails do some people need to respond to before they realize what "Reply to All with History" means?  OK, maybe the first time you use email you don't realize what you're doing, but after the email has bounced back and forth 50 times, you'd think someone with half of a brain would realize that they just send the same 5 MB attachment back and forth a dozen times.  Jesus, delete the attachment before you hit send already!

And if I don't know you, I don't need to hear your witty response to the email.  It's why we aren't friends.  If you were funny, I would have befriended you by now.  But you're not, so if you have to reply to all - please erase me from the distribution list.  It only takes a second.  You clearly have time.  All you're doing is responding to jokes all day long.  Would another wasted second kill you?  I think not.

And why must I scroll down two dozen times before I get to your lame forwarded urban legend?  Would it be asking so much for you to delete the names of the millions of people before you who also think you will get a check in the mail from Bill Gates for a gazillion dollars or a gift certificate from Cracker Barrel for just forwarding the email to a few "friends"?


Guest Book Entry #410
Terry Troop
Comments:  Mal,

1. Happy belated anniversary!  Since I did not attend the wedding I can't possibly be expected to remember this!

2. Wilker will be 61 on 1/4/06.  Why is this man working?  Oh, but wait, he isn't working in your pic!  You need to add a pic of the "Winking Wilkee"!

3.  You stole my "Quote of" idea!

4.  As always, you commentary is right on target!

The Testcat...

Guest Book Entry #409
David Weikel
Comments:  hey my name is david weikel i was just checking my last name for maybe some reletives or family history and i noticed that you were raised in penn my grandfather is a weikel he stays in mass. i dont know if were realated just wanted to say your not the only weikel's running around if you got any comments please contact me thank you

[Note from the editor: hey, your SHIFT key is broken hope you get that fixed.  love, a fellow weikel.]

Guest Book Entry #408
Anthony Porco
Comments:  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Chris and Bev (a few days late, but like I said, I'm not great at remembering this stuff...)  Hope you had a good time!

[Note from the editor: Yes, we did.  We spent the weekend in New York City.  Tracy Holland recommended that we stay in White Plains instead of spending a bazillion dollars for a hotel in the city.  She pointed us towards The Doral Arrowwood Resort in Rye Brook, NY.  It did not disappoint, particularly for a very reasonable $139/night.  Manhatten was then a short train ride away.  Saturday afternoon, we went to see Ground Zero, Chicago (which included a role played by none other than Huey Lewis!), wandered about town and ate dinner on Saturday night at a place in Little Italy called Da Nico Ristorante.]

Guest Book Entry #407
Beth Stout

  Was nice seeing you tonight and meeting Bev.  Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Guest Book Entry #406
Doc Love (a.k.a. Mike Marsh)
It's Saturday night and why isn't this Web page updated?  Move on it, Penn State is not playing today.

Guest Book Entry #405
Lauren Malinowski
Hello-we have the same last name and thought I would sign you book. I am from Michigan, with a common Polish last name.

Guest Book Entry #404
Drew Gallagher
There once was a Jim from Cali
To the toilet seat he did rally
His poetry did miss
Like beer-induced piss
No longer over verse should he dally.

Guest Book Entry #403
Jim McCullough
Hello from Sebastopol, California, USA

I was surfing the web for toilet etiquette articles and I saw your site and thought you might enjoy what I've written here.

Many places do not have unisex toilets but you all probably have the same problems at home as everyone
else with toilet seats being left up by the men.

For as long as I can remember I have always put the seat of the toilet down and not only that but lowered the lid too.

It didn't occur to me until late in life that others of the male persuasion would almost uniformly leave the seat up after using the facilities..... just in case they were going to return, soon, I guess.

Women I've known have taken great exception to the seat being in an up position. particularly late at night which prompted this limerick given to me early in 2003 (written by a man) I suppose.

Her feet flew into the air
Her face turned crimson red
She felt both cold and wet
And wished that she were dead
Now the moral of the story is:
Never sit down abrupt-
Always look behind you
For the seat may still be up


My answer to this is this:

Seat up  - seat down
An argument to cause a frown
Lid down brings fortune good
Fair for all its understood

JWM 2003

I've since added to this by pointing to good feng shui and the increased good fortune, pleasantness and good humor that abounds by this simple courtesy.

I now make small tent style paper signs for the bathroom to convince people to lower the lid on the toilet for (good feng shui) which appeals more often than not to the feminine gender ......(with the lid down so is the seat), but men also like some of the limericks I offer.

I also make some for the institutional lidless variety......a little more pointed in phrase; these adhere to the wall with double-stick poster tape.

If you are interested and want a few samples........GoTo:


[Note from special guest editor Kirsten Cheskey: Wow!  To be honest, the potty mouth calling you an asshole a while back pushed the level of guestbook interest up a notch for me.  Obviously, Mr. McCullough thought so too.  I fear this is just the beginning of messages pushing toilet accessories.  If you get one about a singing seat, send him my way.  Feng Shui, Schmeng Shui!  Life is better with a singing toilet seat.  Kirsten]

[Note from special guest editor Sue Hohenadel: Now there's a man with a future! Paper notes for public toilets to remind people to put the seat down. Maybe he can expand his inventory and remind people to:

1. Flush
2. Not pee on the seat that's been lowered
3. Only flush toilet paper and not diapers, paper towels, stuffed animals, half eaten cheeseburgers, etc.
4. Save the eyeliner for the eyes, and not waste it on writing ditties like "Tif luvs Mikey 4-ever" or the ever popular "Sandy is a dirty slut"

Or maybe he can print his reminder notes on actual toilet paper so that there is an emergency piece in the event the role is empty.

Gadzooks! This an is onthe somethung big!

Now if we can teach he difference between a limerick and a shitty, senseless poem...

Rhyming doth not a poet make, loser.

Queen Bitch]

Guest Book Entry #402
Nick Ostrowski
Me thinks John C. doth protest too much.  And besides, what's with the potty mouth???  I thought this was a family website. 

Chris, with interest compounding annually and late fees included, how much do you think Mr. Casner owes you at this point?  I suggest putting him on a payment plan and sending him a booklet of payment coupons to relieve himself of the albatross of debt and prevent any harmful smears on his credit report.

Guest Book Entry #401
Anthony Porco
Comments:  Since I lack Chris Mal's stellar talent for remembering people's birthdays, anniversaries, etc., I am forced to wish him HAPPY BIRTHDAY several days late.  Hope you enjoyed it...

Guest Book Entry #400
Drew Gallagher
Comments:  Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
John Casner can go take a screw
At a rolling doughnut.

Happy Birthday to My Pal, Chris Mal!

Guest Book Entry #399
Anthony Porco
Comments:  Chris, thanks as always for the great anniversary blurb!  We had a good time.

Guest Book Entry #398
John Casner
Comments:  Hey, Asshole I do not owe you anything! I told you I was not sponsoring that team anymore!Besides, if It was not for myself ,Pete Coldren and Derick Wilson you would of never done so well,so take me off the owe list and get a life!

[Note from the editor: Quick, call the Waaaaambulance! Sounds like somebody's upset that when they Google their name, they get reminded that they were a deadbeat sponsor.

And just curious, why is Derek Wilson getting credit for a team he didn't even play on?  For a guy who's so sure he doesn't owe me money, you'd think he'd at least know who played on the team.  (And, no, 2 games in the Fall League doesn't count - we never needed sponsorship money for the Fall league.)

For that matter, why are you giving yourself so much credit for 7 at bats?]

Guest Book Entry #397
Alan Ganas
Comments:  Chris, this is your pal Al.  Always fun to check out your site.

[Note from the editor: My Pal Al works at Berdie's, home of the Best Burgers in Berks.]

Guest Book Entry #396
Steve Monroe
Comments:  Hey Chris - Hope all is well.  Since moving to Idaho things are going well. We are enjoying our summer and staying busy.  Awesome website.  If there are any football pools you run - I would be glad to make you list of people who owe you money.  Take Care, Steve.

[Note from the editor: The football pool is rigged, but people continue to send in their donations.  Thank you all for your support!  Speaking of which, football season is right around the corner.  Don't forget to send in your money early and often!]

Guest Book Entry #395
Kimberly (Schmidt) Arnold
Comments:  Wow, Chris...I am so amazed with your work. It took me a month while I was vacationing in Florida searching every single thing on this page. I will give you an A plus...Good Job!!!! KIM :)

[Note from the editor: That's a long way to go just to search my website, but thanks!]

Guest Book Entry #394
Mike Capilo
Comments:  Today, for the first time, I had the sound on when I went through the site.  Nice!  Chris, you are a singing sensation.  Quit your day job, now!

[Note from the editor: Yep, hard as it is to believe, I have never had a single singing lesson and I have no musical background.]

Guest Book Entry #393
Tony Porco
Comments:  Now, this is funny... I spent several minutes trying to get the "driving me nuts" thing, only to figure that the pirate/doctor comment was what was SUPPOSED to drive me nuts, since it was a non sequitur... then, I finally got it!  That's what I get for trying to think coherently late at night on a Sunday.

[Note from the editor: For those of you who are lost... "A pirate goes to the doctor, he's got a steering wheel coming out of the zipper of his pants.  He says to the doctor, 'Ay, doc, ya gotta help me, I've got a steering wheel growing out of me pants and it's drivin' me nuts!"  Bwaaaaaaahahahahaha.  I've got a million of 'em.  I'll be here all week, folks.]

Guest Book Entry #392
Steve Stremba
Comments:  Tell Carolina from Mexico that the pictures of my tattoo and me singing Hank Williams Jr. songs are way better than baby pictures.

[Note from the editor: I got me a car and it's as big as a whale and it's about to set sail!]

Guest Book Entry #391
Carolina C. Demeneghi
Comments:  Hi! I'm 19 year-old girl from Mexico. I dont remember how I found this site, I just remember that I needed some baby pics for homework - a collage or something...and I got here! It was so fun for me to see Jolie's pic, which was so nice, because my sister was having a baby at that time and I couldn't be with her. That happened a few years ago, and since then I kept visiting this site. I wanted you to know that I'm very happy for you and for your family! The pics are great! It is one of my hobbies to take pics of my friends, family, pets, cities, etc. and edit them.  Well, :) felicidades desde ac�! (congrats from here!)

- Carolina

Guest Book Entry #390
Comments:  Just saw your mug on the Roto board. I've been to your site before and appreciate all the hard work! Great job. Nice to see you on the forum.

[Note from the editor: And what a handsome mug it is!]

Guest Book Entry #388
Joe Ricards
Comments:  Hey Chris...
How awesome of you to do this for all of our classmates. It was a very nostalgic surprise. :}
Thank you.

[Note from the editor: Joe Ricards, talented artist and computer genius.]

Guest Book Entry #387
Comments:  Kirsten is worried about Canadian infiltration of her tiny group of friends. She's probably worried you'll like me more than her. No self-esteem that girl....

Moxy Fruvous Rocks!!!!

[Note from the editor: I think the deciding factor will be:  Do they have SCP in Canada?]

Guest Book Entry #386
Drew Gallagher
Comments:  Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner.

[Note from the editor: Someone's been spending too much time around his XM Radio.]

Guest Book Entry #385
Jay Malinowski
Comments:  Mt. Carmel, PA, now in California since a long, long time ago.  Anyway, nice site.

Jay Malinowski

[Note from the editor: I really can't think of any reason why someone would want to be in California over Pennsylvania.  The weather alone is enough reason to choose PA.]

Guest Book Entry #384
Stacy (McLean) Bradbury
Comments:  In a fit of nostalgia (and procrastination) at work, I was googling friends, acquaintances, and then pretty much any name I could recall from high school. :)  Came across your site and wow what treat--great kid pictures.  I graduated from Exeter in '88.

[Note from the editor: ...along with legendary historical figures such as Drew Gallagher, Rob Epler, Jeff Harlow, Bryan Ehrens, Jena (Weaver) Dietrich, Jennifer (Yeich) Thorpe, Christian Haller and Sara (Gaughan) Austin.]

Guest Book Entry #383
Arlene Ciambruschini
Comments:  Ciambruschini is an unusual name.  It has been my experience that anyone with the name is somehow related to us.  My husband's father Frank is one of fifteen children and my husband was named after his grandfather (sort of.)  His grandfathers name was Pasquale, my husband Partick.

[Note from the editor: The only Ciambruschini I know is a car thief in Boston.  By the way, Partick is a cool name.]

Guest Book Entry #382
Steve Stremba
Comments:  How can any man like "brie"? How can any woman like it for that matter? I had the unpleasant experience of trying the chicken with pecan crust and melted brie at Viva's. It should be a crime to do that to a chicken. I was still tasting that awful cheese two days later. Cheese Wiz in a can has it beat by a long long mile. Try the fish.

[Note from the editor: Funny story, though.  While at Viva with Steve and the rest of my department at work for our Christmas luncheon, glutton for punishment that I am, I again ordered the Brie.  In jest, I told the waitress that the last time I ordered Brie at Viva, the girl told me, "Wow, I've never had a man order Brie before."  To which this one said, "Now that you mention it, I've never had a man order Brie before, either."]

Guest Book Entry #381
Kirsten Cheskey
Comments:  I went to high school in Pennsylvania.  I have a friend who graduated from Mt. Penn High School in 1986 in fair condition along with a pack of Orbit gum.  They belong to Beverly Malinowski.  I will sell it for $5 + a roll of Spree to anyone interested.

[Note from the editor: Does it have to be regular Spree or will you take Chewy Spree?]

Guest Book Entry #380
Paul Hurst
Comments:  I went to high school in Virginia. I have a 1934 Mt Penn High School senior class yearbook in very good condition along with a 1934 commencement program. It belonged to Margaret Lee. I will sell it for $45 + shipping to anyone interested.

Guest Book Entry #379
Comments:  "[Note from the editor: Mmmmm, there are few things better than warm Brie with a dribble of raspberry sauce on a light toasted seasame seed cracker.  (Just make sure it's followed by a big 40 ounce raw T-bone.)  And, a little word of warning for you - if you're going to order Brie, don't do it at the Viva Good Life Bistro unless you're prepared to get mocked by the waitresses.]"   Was wondering what that all means....?

[Note from the special guest book editor Kirsten (pronounced KEER-sten) Cheskey:

So he doesn't know what all that means?  He doesn't follow our lives closely enough to know that you were once mocked by a waitress at Viva for ordering Brie?  Get thee to the Quotes page, Mr. George.
Seriously though, I'd be curious too.  Everyone wants to know about us.  It's a burden, but one we must bear with aplomb.  <--good word.
Maybe Mr. George would like to join us sometime.]

Guest Book Entry #378
Andrew Lehmkuhl
Hey Chris,

I just found my bands CD "Pacific Ocean Park" on your website listed as a recent purchase!  Thanks so much.  Beit that I was the guy who wrote the album and produced it, I thought I would give you a personal note here to thank you for the love. How did you like it? and where did you find us? We don't have a record label or anything.  We did the whole thing out of my garage, so it would be good to get some feedback.

Thanks again!
Much Love,

[Note from the editor: I discovered Vinyl Candy from, the ultimate source of the best "Power Pop" not likely to be heard on your radio.]

Guest Book Entry #377
Jennifer (Ziegler) Eisenhard
Comments:  Hi Chris!  How can I get you to update that nasty picture of me - always hated the school pictures - and put updated information out there? 
Love the site and will look at it more later. It's great to see what everyone has been up to.

[Note from the editor: Jen graduated with me from 5th grade!]

Guest Book Entry #375
Jill Porco
Thanks for the great 40th birthday greetings on your page!  You are officially the first to wish me a happy birthday!  I noticed that Bev hits the big 4-0 in 3 years--she's gonna want a blow out, trust me!  You better start planning now! 

Guest Book Entry #374
John Brian
Hi, Chris ...
   Just checking in to see what's new with you and your friends these days.
   I left a movie review of the 1968, original version of The Thomas Crown Affair, which starred Steve McQueen and Faye Dunaway.  Being an "old dude," I know about this stuff, and thought it might be of interest, in connection with your reviews of the remake with Pierce Brosnan.
   Hope all is well with you these days. 

- John Brian
(still appreciating using your Lake Ontelaunee photo on my web site)

[Note from the editor: John operates a very impressive non-commerical website called "Ontelaunee Horses" which is a "site in search of natural Horse sense.  For first-time and long-time horse owners and for all of us who love horses ... with lots of photos and large screen videos ... discussing issues of more kind and natural horse keeping and handling."  John stumbled upon my site when he was Googling for pictures of Lake Ontelaunee.  He uses a couple of my photos on his webpage.]

Guest Book Entry #373
Dennis Swartz
Comments:  I never would have imagined this.  Thanks to Even Spohn for telling me about this.  It is great to see that everyone is doing so well.  My home e-mail is  Hope to talk to you soon, Dennis.

[Note from the editor: Dennis voted Mt. Penn High School Class of '86 "Most Spirited."]

Guest Book Entry #372
Drew Gallagher
Comments:  Like the distinguished governor of New Jersey, I found myself at a point in life where I had to publicly acknowledge the lie I had been living: I like brie.  And short of a press conference with my lovely wife by my side, what better forum than the Chris Malinowski web site?

[Note from the editor: Mmmmm, there are few things better than warm Brie with a dribble of raspberry sauce on a light toasted seasame seed cracker.  (Just make sure it's followed by a big 40 ounce raw T-bone.)  And, a little word of warning for you - if you're going to order Brie, don't do it at the Viva Good Life Bistro unless you're prepared to get mocked by the waitresses.]

Guest Book Entry #371
Bob Houlihan
Comments:  What a surprise.  I was looking for info about Trooper Thorns Irish Beef House and here I am.

[Note from the editor: Bob Houlihan, do you have any yarn?!  (Sorry, inside joke between Bob, Terry Riegel and me.)]

Guest Book Entry #370
Mark J. Mazurkiewicz
Comments:  Wow!  So I went google-ing for "Majestic Theatre Mt. Penn" and I find this.  Interesting because I know many people on your site yet I don't think I know or have ever heard of you.  I live in Mt. Penn from birth (1971) to about 1992!  Went to Mt. Penn then St. Catharine's then to Central.  People I was surprised to see pictures of on your interesting site...The Kreishers- Mary is my "adopted" step-mother (long story).  Eric Bausch was my cousin until his recent divorce for Susie.  Leon Pace was instrumental as a mentor for me in the Summer of 1985 as a playground leader at the Summer Rec. at Mt. Penn (He and Jeannie Hanahoe.)  I grew up at 40 north 23rd street in Mt. Penn and have so many good memories and wished to God that I had more pictures of The Majestic, The Chink Shop, The A-field, Jake's (pre-1990), The Mt. Penn playground, etc.  If you have any POST THEM on your site.  I've bookmarked your page.  Thanks!

[Note from the editor: <GASP!>  Have never heard of.....ME?!  What cave have you been living in for the last 30 years?]

Guest Book Entry #369
Kirsten Cheskey
Comments:  Drew Gallagher has tasted brie?  I didn't think men ate brie.  I mean... men other than Chris Mal, that is. 

Well, whatever...

A difficult choice� mutton or brie
I�ll admit I was on the fence
But that cheese is only for a she
And so mutton is the word for me
And that has made all the difference

(You can call me Bob.)

[Note from the editor: I love brie.  Even more than scrapple.]

Guest Book Entry #368
Great site!

[Note from the editor: Yes it is.  You really can't say enough about it.  My favorite part is the poetry.]

Guest Book Entry #367
Drew Gallagher
Comments:  Has Kirsten Cheskey ever tasted mutton?  Right up there with scrapple.  "Cute as a little bee, Yummy as brie." (It works the whole Halloween thing.)  But otherwise she is a veritable Robert Frost.

[Note from the editor: Hey, I happen to like Scrapple.]

Guest Book Entry #366
Kirsten Cheskey

[Note from the editor: This wasn't actually a Guestbook entry.  It was sent to me in an email on my birthday.  But, I thought it was worthy of display and since my Guestbook is where all of the poetry seems to reside, this seemed like the best place for it.]

There once was a big stud named Chris
Who married a sweet Orbit miss
They had a dog Spot
And now they do not
He's gone to the deep dog abyss

These two have a sweet little girl
Who has tons of beautiful curls
She's cute as a button
And yummy as mutton
And so smart, she'll one day rule the world

But to Chris I dedicate this rhyme
I email him lots of the time
He resembles an owl
Never wears a scowl
And photographs my kid drinking Mike's Lime

I've never heard Chris get too loud
I've never seen pigs in a cloud
Never seen a cow ski
But I've seen Malinowski
Take his pants off in front of a crowd

So as this bad poem hits the end
Please note now before I hit send
I did do my besticle
Not to say testicle

Guest Book Entry #365
Drew Gallagher
Comments:  I'm confused now.  At first I thought Bruce Bochy was the best.  Then, as I read further, I thought Mike and Chris were the best. But ultimately Diana makes a pretty compelling point with assorted key strokes that Nano is the best. Next on Dr. Phil...

[Note from the editor: \\// u r so uncool using ur shift key n makin no spellin mistakes \\// 35/m/pa]

Guest Book Entry #364
Nick Ostrowski
Chris, I was wondering if my Rotisserie league stats for the year Bruce Bochy was on my team can be adjusted to refelect his current managerial prowess with the Padres.  Bruce's terminally crossed eyes should have no bearing on your decision so please judge him based on his inner beauty alone.  Also, please consider the fact that I viewed his baseball future as a diamond whereas the other owners saw nothing but a lump of coal.

[Note from the editor: I'd do that, but then, out of fairness, I'd also have to include Bruce Benedict who cancels out anything done by Bruce Bochy despite the fact that Bochy can't look at me with both eyes at the same time unless I'm standing on his nose.]

Guest Book Entry #363
Pat Capilo
Comments:  Clearly Mike and Chris are the best.

[Note from the editor: No, Pat Capilo is the best.]

Guest Book Entry #362
Mike "Nano" Capilo
Comments:  Clearly I am the best.  By the way, I know three of the four Efraimson's.  Nice website by the way.  Considering this is my first visit and all.

[Note from the editor: Nano is the best and fornicate with all the rest!  a/s/l, please.]

Guest Book Entry #361
Carl Efraimson

[Note from the editor: Who would've guessed that "Efraimson" would be the most common name to leave guest book entries?  There's been Bob Efraimson (Guest Book Entry #276), Jackie Efraimson (Guest Book Entry #323), Eric Efraimson (Guest Book Entries #255 & #312), and now Carl Efraimson.  As they say, if you build it, the Efraimsons will come.]

Guest Book Entry #360
Diana Fakhoury
Comments:  \\// hey , i am diana, 13/f/lebanon \\//
"nano is the best and f*ck all the rest"

[Note from the editor: ...and so launches Mal-Matchmakers Dating Service and on-line guestbook chatting service...well, at least, for those of you interested in teen-aged girls from Lebanon who have a potty-mouth and a broken shift key.  Of course, she only seems interested if your name is "Nano", but who can blame her?  Again it's hard to argue with the logic of my guestbook visitors: Nano is clearly the best, with Pico and Milli rounding out the trifecta, albiet a distant second and third.]

[Note from the Special Guest Editor Kirsten Cheskey:  Another poet!  They come like moths to the flame that is Chris Mal.]

Guest Book Entry #359
Chris Malinowski
Comments:  Hi Chris, I googled myself and came across your homepage. I live in Fremont, OH and I guess we are related somewhere way back.

[Note from the editor: My Pal Chris Mal!  I didn't know there really were Tigers' fans.  Go Meat-Hook!  By the way, are you a mechanical owl, too?]

Guest Book Entry #358
Kirsten Cheskey
Comments:  You, sir, are a patron of the arts...and have a great personality (for a mechanical owl).

[Note from the editor: This is me...You can call be Bubo, owly outlet for all of the great poets of Berks County.  Beep, beep, whistle, beep, whistle, TESTICLE!]

Guest Book Entry #357
Beth Stout

Oh my goodness, Jolie is the cutest thing!! I loved seeing her pics.  Now I'm off to check out the rest of your mega website!!

[Note from the editor: Beth is my pal, and web-designing super genius.  She has mastered the art of "Flash."  Check out the Stout home page at, particularly if you'd like to see chipmunks dancing to a mushroom song.]

Guest Book Entry #356
Reino Hanninen
Comments:  Hello world!

[Note from the editor: Reino is from Finland.  Reino from Finland thinks my website is the gateway to the world.  It's hard to argue the logic really.]

Guest Book Entry #355
Steve Ostrowski
Comments:  I'm here to clarify something.  The body was NOT in the Schuylkill River.  It was actually in the Susquehanna River.  His name was Flip and he was a swell guy.  (sniff)  I'm moved to tears...  And in Flip's memory I offer this:

Flip you were a jolly lad
And to us joy you gave
'Tis sad to think of your demise
Into the watery grave

Floating lifeless castaway
A sheet upon your head
'Til unsuspecting walker man
Sees you and thinks you're dead

Running breathless to a phone
His undies filled with pee
The walker man he calls the cops
"Guess what my eyes did see?"

Throwing donuts in the trash
Policemen on the run
Launch a boat retrieve the corpse
"Look what some kid has done!"

Beneath the sheet is not a head
Instead a basketball
A body made from 'Reading Times'
Is not a man at all

Grumbling back into their car
Policemen start to pout
"For this I threw my donut down?"
Go back and dig it out

As for Flip his legend lives
Unto this very day
Another sad example of
Ostrowski boys at play

As for the Bowling for comment....

[Note from the editor: That was priceless.]

Guest Book Entry #354

[Note from the editor: I'm not sure your fingers were all on the right keys.]

Guest Book Entry #353
Nick once was throwing rocks at a bird on a wire...and wound up accidentally hitting a car as it drove by.
Nick Ostrowski
I have my own home inspection company now and decided to do a general "Yahoo" search using just my name.  I typed my name in and  expected my company website to be the first thing to pop up since my name is all over it.  But nooooooooooooooooooo!!!  The first site to appear is a link to a stat page on this website that encapsulates my disastrous and bufoonery laden year as owner of  the "Alli Babba & the 40 Thieves" Rotiserre League baseball team.  How long must I endure the pain?  The ridicule?  The realization that I...........that I......................sniff, sniff......... just didn't measure up. 

I have one question, and only one question.  And that question is.............where's the love????         

[Note from the editor: Bruce Bochy and Bruce Benedict!]

Guest Book Entry #352
Mr Mugu
Comments:  i love this site

[Note from the editor: More than you like the shift key and punctuation?

By the way, I wonder if this guy's last name is "gaipan"?]

Guest Book Entry #351
Mike Capilo
Comments:  I'd like to know how it is that Drew Gallagher didn't catch the McDonald's "hello" previously.  Considering he has added to this page TWICE since that time.  Also, I should say "hi" to my Wendy's friends who include Steve Ostrowski; I worked there in high school.  While I'm at it, I also worked at McDonald's in high school and should remember those friends too.  But, I must admit, while I never stole the salt and pepper shakers in college, I once was followed in the Wawa in the 15 hundred block of Locust Street in Philly under suspicion of previous thefts.  Now my conscious is clean.

[Note from the editor: Speaking of Steve Ostrowski, I think he might have some things to get off his chest, too.  The far end of Fairview Avenue was a shady neighborhood!  Who was responsible for "Bowling for Cars"?  Or how about that body floating down the Schukyll?]

Guest Book Entry #350
Bob Painter
Comments:  Are we related?

[Note from the editor: Yes, we're practically brothers.]

Guest Book Entry #349
Drew Gallagher
Comments:  I noted that a recent guest said "hello" to her old McDonald's buddies.  I guess I would be remiss if I didn't say the same to all those that helped me while working at Burger King.  In case they don't know who they are, they were Rob Farr and Dave Hunt.  I'm certain the managers are probably still working there.

[Note from the editor: I still love those paper Burger King crowns.]

Guest Book Entry #348
Kirsten Cheskey
Comments:  TESTICLE!!

[Censored by the editor just in case Adrianne's parents are reading this.]

and what the hell...TESTICLE!!!

[Note from the editor: It's hard to say the word "Testicle" quietly.  Just ask the people at the table next to us at the Beverly Hills Tavern.  Speaking of testicles, if anyone sees him, ask Carter to show you his gum trick.]

Guest Book Entry #347
Barry Stark
Comments:  I met Scott and Marta (Weitz) at Club Med in Florida in June.  They are very nice people and told me about this web site.  I live in suburban Chicago and even though I have little to do with most of the people profiled here, it seems kind of cool.

[Note from the editor: What do you mean it SEEMS kind of cool?  It IS cool.]

Guest Book Entry #346
Laura McNeil
Comments:  Thanks for helping me locate my MIA class members from CCHS 1985!

[Note from the editor: Laura is friends with Traci (Wegner) Costanza who graduated from Mt. Penn in 1985.  Traci pointed her to my website as an aid in her search for Central Catholic '85 graduates.  Pete Gabrielli and Mike Capilo, who are both CCHS '85 alumni, were in my wedding party and played Softball with me for years.  Coincidentally, the day I got the email from Laura, I had plans to eat lunch with Mike.]

Guest Book Entry #345
Comments:  I was just wondering if you know a website where I can buy quaits at?  I tried calling this guy and he never gets back and I need a set before the 4th of July.  Thanks man and, oh, nice website!

[Note from the editor: Funny man, that Jay Berdick.  Too bad he ends sentences with random unexplained prepositions at.]

Guest Book Entry #344
Comments:  This site is cool and ur picture makes it even cooler.  muah! ;)

[Note from the editor: Awww, why thank you.  There's really no denying that I am pretty hot.  Let's not beat around the bush ... OK, now, you do realize that I'm NOT the guy in the upper left hand corner of every page, right?  (Although, I must admit, he bares a striking resemblance.)  Ahhh, yes, today's youth.  That's OK, no need to learn to spell or pay attention to the news.]

Guest Book Entry #343
Peter Kane
Comments:  Hey Brendan!  I was just Googling my nephew "Brendan Thomas Kane" and found your cool web page.

[Note from the editor: Odd coincidence...this guestbook entry actually arrived in my mailbox while I was at a party FOR BRENDAN KANE who recently obtained his Ph.D. at Princeton and is on his way to teach at Notre Dame]

Guest Book Entry #342
Drew Gallagher
Comments:  In confessional mode, I too stole salt and pepper shakers when I was a freshman at Mary Washington College.  Neither Rob nor I thought about getting some for our room so I simply took some from the next place we ate.  We needed something to hold all the salt the health center gave you when you went in complaining of a sore throat...

[Note from the editor: It must've been quite rigorous to obtain the proper qualifications to work in a college infirmary.  No matter what your ailment you received either a recommendation to gargle with salt water, or a pack of Advil, or both.  Nice to see that Drexel wasn't the only place assisting to keep America's future in tip-top health.]

Guest Book Entry #341
Carla Kleemeier Truesdale
Comments:  Great website.  I found it Googling an old boyfriend. Hello to any fellow ex-Mount Penn McD workers.

[Note from the editor: My sister once stole the salt and pepper shakers from the Mt. Penn McDonald's.  I've kept that dirty secret bottled up for years.  It feels good to finally get that off of my chest.  Thank you Carla Kleemeier Truesdale for helping me move on.]

Guest Book Entry #340
Silvia Grimm
Hello from Germany.  Fabulous website!
Best greetings,
Silvia, Bernd and poodles.

[Note from the editor: These were the first Poodles to visit my site - at least that I'm aware.  Also, it's becoming quite clear that if you put your name on this website, they will come.  Roughly half of the guestbook entries that I get are from people who found the site by searching for their name and finding someone else of no relation.  Could that be what happened here?  I graduated with Kelly (Grim) Seyler.  Look at this entry, and look at the previous entry.  A Seyler on 4/24, a Grim on 5/03.]

Guest Book Entry #339
Lorrie Seyler

[Note from the Editor: You'd think someone who calls themselves "Precious Tex Girl" would have something to say.  Guess not.]

Guest Book Entry #338
Comments: I'm dating a Derek Malinowski!

[Note from the Editor: My Pal Derek Mal!  Everyone loves a good Malinowski.]

Guest Book Entry #337
Comments: je suis fan de lorie

[Note from the Special Guest Editor Kirsten Cheskey:

This person is saying they are a fan of lorie. It was really tough to figure out.  My thinking is...they either meant to say "Je suis fan de Lurie" which means the Eagles have a small but powerful following in France...or, this person is a fan of the French Britney...who goes by the name Lorie.

What I don't know is how they ended up on your site...unless they, too, are looking for areasonal chihuahua. French your site would be Votre Amie Chris Mal or something like that. It does not work at all...but the damn French like weird stuff... like things that don't rhyme...and Jerry Lewis.

Votre Amie,
Kirsten Cheskey]

Guest Book Entry #336
Drew Gallagher
Comments: Hey, I want to wish Tom Holland a happy birthday and you failed to include his e-mail address.  Could you please correct this oversight?

[Note from the Editor: Tom can only be reached by throwing coins at his bedroom window.]

Guest Book Entry #335
Alan Ganas
Comments: Chris, I found out about your page from Mark Schwartz.  It's nice to see and read about people I haven't seen in years.

[Note from the Editor: Does everyone understand the great significance of this Guestbook entry?  Or, rather, not the significance of the entry as much as the tremendous significance of Mr. Alan Ganas himself (who, by the way, is a bartender at Bertie's, location of the Best Burgers in Berks.)  He, and he alone, is responsible for the moniker "My Pal Chris Mal."  Yep, it's true.  If I was somehow making money off of this, he should probably get royalties.  It was Junior High / early Senior High-ish.  I'd pass him in the hall, and he'd yell out "MY PAL CHRIS MAL!" and I'd, of course, yell back "AL MY PAL!"  What is odd, is that I tried to email him after getting this message, and AOL responded, "This member is currently not accepting e-mail from your account."  No kidding.  WTF?]

[Note from special guest editor Kirsten Cheskey: Okay...I just read your "pal" Alan's guestbook entry and I have to say...NO WONDER HE'S NOT ACCEPTING YOUR EMAILS!!  You just outed him on your site. Al my pal??  I mean, I've heard talk of you being a geek in high school, but I didn't realize you were gay as well.  Not that there's anything wrong with that...well according to my neighbors you'll be enjoying a slow and torturous afterlife in hell...but I don't agree with that thinking.  You pals were pure in your love and I support that.  However, I did not realize that the love of a good Orbitz girl could "cure" you of your gayness... umm... gayitude... no... gaiety?  Whatever!  Don't let GLAAD find out about that.  They wouldn't think it was so "fabulous".  Rainbows to you and Al!!]

[Note from the Editor:  I'm sorry that my name rhymes with "Pal".  I'm sorry Al's name also rhymed with "Pal."  I always wanted to be a guy named "Dirk Branly" so I could be "Quite Manly, Dirk Branly".  Or a guy named "Butch Morass" so you could call me "Kicking Ass, Butch Morass."  But, no, you play with the cards you're dealt.  I'm a seemingly gay man named "Chris Mal", and if that makes me the "Pal" of a guy named "Al", I'm not going to be ashamed to share it with the world, and be proud of my gayocracy....and, gayliciousness ... I look forward to seeing your slow and tortourus life in hell.  I have a feeling I'll be seeing it up close and personal, since we'll all be joining you there.  (Well, except for Bev because she's nice.)  Maybe we'll get lucky and have adjoining rooms, or at least be on the same floor.  (Plus, I still plan on stalking you, even into your afterlife, so if Hotel Hell is where you'll be...better keep your blinds shut, your doors locked, and your underwear hidden - Shhhh, I like to wear women's undergarments.  Don't tell Al.  He doesn't know yet.  I've been trying to tell him, but he has my email address blocked.]

[Note from Mike Capilo: I thought I came up with My Pal Chris Mal at a stickball game.  Remember you were "The Target" then one day I started calling you my pal the target which morphed into "My Pal Chris Mal".  Though the memory is a bit sketchy; I always took credit for that name in my mind at least.  Oh well...doesn't matter.  As long as you still hate sea bass I'm good.]

[Note from the Editor: We may never know.  However, Alan Ganas graduated in 1985, and I know he called me that in high school.  Stickball didn't get off the ground until 1988.  My guess is that Alan Ganas was the first to say "My Pal Chris Mal," but you are given credit for making it famous and a common household phrase.]

Guest Book Entry #333
Charlene Wise
Comments: ive been looking for areasonal priced chihuahua

[Note from the Editor: ...Because as you can tell from a quick scan of this website, I am a Chihuahua breeder.  In fact, I specialize in ones that are areasonal.  I have one available for free if you want him.  It doesn't get much more areasonal than that.]

Guest Book Entry #332
Comments: I was bored at work and googled my first true love... Jeff Seyfert. What a surprise to find this site and his golf team picture. We were dating at the time the picture was taken so it's really cute to see almost 18 years later.

[Note from the Editor: Elizabeth went to North Penn HS in Lansdale.  She met Jeff at the shore in Sea Isle City, NJ, in 1985, so neither of them were old enough to drive.  Their parents drove them back and forth from Lansdale to Reading.  Awwww, that's the sweetest story I've ever heard.  Brings a tear to my eye.  Kind of reminds me of the time I paid John Mazzo $25 to drive me in his blue VW Beetle to Birdsboro so I could be with my creepy scary girlfriend from Daniel Boone.  OK, maybe mine wasn't quite as sweet of a story.]

Guest Book Entry #331
Karel (Frymoyer) Guinther

[Note from the Editor: Karel is was an Antietam School District student before transferring and graduating from Exeter.  She enjoys shooting archery, dancing and cuddling up in a blanket.  Presumably not all at the same time.]

Guest Book Entry #330
Odoardo Torrazz

[Note from the Special Guest Editor Kirsten Cheskey: What?  He didn't leave any comments?  Retardo Odoardo!!]

Guest Book Entry #329
Drew Gallagher
Comments: We need a photo of Mr. Epler for the birthday page.  Has Katy sent the one from Tom's house yet?  You have a horse up there for goodness sake!

[Note from the editor: The Mr. Epler of which Drew speaks is Rob Epler, co-star of the famous "Day in the Life of Reading" movie, and "A Day in the Life of Reading II - In Search of Irene", not to mention the lost MTV late-night hit videos "Misplaced Childhood", "I Can't Stand Losing" and "Low Budget."]

Guest Book Entry #328
Drew Gallagher
Comments: I just wanted to write and express my sincere hopes that the woman below finds a house that she loves and, gosh darnit, has better luck with child number four (or five depending on that goofy husband of hers.)

Guest Book Entry #327
Kell Baughman
Comments: Hello! I am interested in a property in Pathfinder Woods in Exeter Township.  Could you please call me so we can talk about the neighborhood, school district, municipality and events.  I would love some incite.  215 529 XXXX.  I am an at-home mother of three (some times four when you add in my husband.)  We have a 3 year old dog and two cats.  I am trying for baby #4, no luck yet.  Please call if you have some time. Thank you!

[Note from the Special Guest Editor Kirsten Cheskey: Too bad about baby #4, and too bad she doesn't know how to spell "insight."]

Guest Book Entry #326
Baylor Gallagher
Comments: I don't like peas.

[Note from the editor: I do, but I prefer the canned peas over the frozen peas.]

Guest Book Entry #325
Marg Dooty
Comments: I was a member of The Adamstown VFW with the ladies and have moved to Hornell, New York and would like to have my papers sent or faxed here so that I may join the VFW here in Hornell.  I didn't know who to contact so here I am. I hope you can help.

Marge Dooty (full name Marjorie L. Dooty)

[Note from the editor, full name The Editor: Her name is DOOTY, heh-heh, heh-heh.  Now I can say: What do the lyrics to Oh Suzanna, Quaits and the Adamstown VFW have in common?All of them have somehow, by the magic of the internet, brought people to my website.  Sometimes I really think maybe you should need a license to surf the web.  Then I come to my senses and realize that that would keep people named Dooty from contacting me, and that would be bad.]

Guest Book Entry #324
Kris (Bukowski) McSwain
Comments:  Wow!  Very impressive!  I've enjoyed catching up on the lives of the Class of '86.  Congrats on your new family.

Kris (MPHS '88)

[Note from the editor: After Kris graduated from MPHS she moved to Atlanta.  Her parents later moved to Raleigh, so she's only been back to PA once, for a wedding.  She says, "I seem to have done what everyone else has done: married, bought a house, reproduced and became cynical, though not necessarily in that order."  She has 3 boys: Ethan who is 7, Trevor who is 3.5 and Seth who is 2.  She has a degree in Geology and works as a Geologist.  Her husband just started a job at Duke University so they are moving to the Durham, NC area as soon as their house sells.]

Guest Book Entry #323
Jackie Efraimson
Comments:  Hey...I think I know Bob Efraimson too!! He's my dad and I think that was our old e-mail address!! Weird, huh?

[Note from the editor: Bob Efraimson is your Dad but you only THINK you know him?  That is pretty weird, now that you mention it.  Is he a dead-beat dad or something?]

Guest Book Entry #322
Mike Capilo
Comments:  I was always an Evan Spohn fan.  Nice guy, great family...but I am not Malcolm Spohn.  I masqueraded as a Slutsky because it is a funny name!  I'm hurt by these continuing accusations!  You, you, you sea bass hater!

[Note from the editor: In case anyone is wondering, Mexican places do not serve "Sea Bass."  And it's a good thing too because I HATE Sea Bass.  In fact, I'm a fish hook baiter, cattle mater, balloon inflator, universe creator aaaaaaaaaaand, as Mike so astutely pointed out, a SEA BASS HATER!]

Guest Book Entry #321
Malcolm W. Spohn
Comments:  Just wanted to say hi.  I don't see our last name much around these parts.  I figured we may be kin somewhere down the line.

[Note from the editor: These parts being what?  The Internet?  Besides, down the line, aren't we all just a bunch of Spohns?  That's my theory.  My other theory is that this entry reeks of Mike Capilo.]

Guest Book Entry #320
Joyce Small
Comments:  I met Sandy (Horning) in 1995 when we worked at TJU in center city Philadelphia. We worked for a program called Family Center that was dedicated to keeping mothers and their children off drugs. She was a cool person and I thought...gee, a website, what a cool way to keep in touch with people you like and remember.

[Note from the editor: Sandy is great!]

Guest Book Entry #319
Drew Gallagher
Comments:  Wow!  My first time on the site.  I did a Google on "Gallagher" and found that I was on your web site as were pictures of my son.  Do you know Chris Malinowski who was an All-Berks County bowler?  And how can I meet that Mike Capilo guy?  I want to know more about this potty pantsing thing he speaks of.

[Note from the editor: No one named Chris Malinowski has ever bowled.]

Guest Book Entry #318
Mike Capilo
Comments:  Since you made that change that you made I can access this page that you made.  My room needs a maid.  Chris is a dancer, he's a potty pantser.

[Note from the editor: Me, a Potty Pantser.  Truer words have never been spoken.]

Guest Book Entry #317
Victor Rappaselli
Comments:  Chris -

Kudos for this site.  This is the second time I have happened upon this thing and it's spectacular.  Thanks for the memories while I procrastinate cutting the grass on a sunny afternoon in Berkeley, CA.  2 softball games in 1993?  I guess I can't argue with the old school pencil and paper scorecards.


[Note from the editor: Victor graduated from MPHS in 1988, and was the catalyst on our 1993 Fall League Softball team that wore skull and cross-bones on our sleeves and had multi-colored camouflage hats.  I'm not sure where you wear a multi-colored camouflage cap to blend in...on some sort of drug-induced fluorescent hunting trip, perhaps.]

Guest Book Entry #316
Todd Ringler
Comments:  Chris,

I have spent the past hours marveling at your site. I have been looking at the current lives of so many people from MPHS that I cared about.  Looking and reading about their adventures and happiness, their new families, etc. has brought back so many memories.  Thanks for keeping this community connected.  While I have not remained in touch with these folks, it is comforting to know that someone has not lost track of our past.  All the best to all of you.  I miss many of you and think of a lot of you time to time.



[Note from the editor: Todd graduated from MPHS in 1985, and according to the 1985 yearbook his nicknames were "Toad" and "Weedhopper."]

Guest Book Entry #315

[Note from the editor: This was the first comet to visit my site.]

Guest Book Entry #314
Jill LaPearl
Comments:  I was Google-ing my last name trying to find a family tree, and just came across your site.  Any relation to Clifford or Roy La Pearl?

[Note from the editor: My Dad's cousin was named Clifford, but, then again, I'm not a LaPearl, I'm a Malinowski, but how many Cliffords can there be in the world?  Plus, my daughter sometimes watches "Clifford the Big Red Dog."]

Guest Book Entry #313
Darcy L. Brodman
Comments:  Chris, you have too much free time.

[Note from the editor: Not really.  I just don't waste time doing anything even remotely unconstructive...well, unless you consider this website unconstructive, which is certainly arguable.  Some people watch TV or take a nap when they need a break - I add to my website.]

Guest Book Entry #312
Eric Efraimson
Comments:  Hey Chris, Mike Capilo's friend here again.  I've got a question for you.  How do you know Bob Efraimson?  I was just wondering because there aren't many people with the last name Efraimson.  Later.

[Note from the editor: I don't know anyone named Bob Efraimson (see Guestbook Entry #276.)  He was probably just another one of the masses of people who came to this site to ask me if I was related, or to ask me if I know the dimensions of a quait.]

Guest Book Entry #311
Michel Briegel
  To Jody Brigel... Hi! I'm a Brigel from France and Germany. Can you tell me something about your parents and grand parents? Have a look on my website on the Briegel's family. Thank you for reply. Michel

[Note from the editor: Michel submitted this message THREE times.  Apparently he has an itchy mouse-button finger.]

Guest Book Entry #310
  Spot is such a cute Chihuahua. I enjoyed my visit to your page.

[Note from the editor: It's hard NOT to enjoy this site.]

Guest Book Entry #309
Comments:  hey

[Note from the editor: It appears Julie works or attends a school in Virginia - Buckingham County High School according to a quick search of BCHS on Google -, and the best she can compose is....(drum roll)...."hey"  Making BCHS proud!]

Guest Book Entry #308
Sally Ford
Comments:  I live in Australia and just happened to type my name in the search engine and came up with this site.

[Note from the editor: Wow, deja vu all over again.  See Guest Book Entry #271.  Just "happened to type your name into the search engine" twice in the same year.  Are you bored at work or something?]

Guest Book Entry #307
Barb Sholl
Comments:  Pretty cool. Wait till Steve sees this!

[Note from the editor: Yeah, Steve is going to just go absolutely nuts!  Uhhhhh, by the way, Steve who?   ... OK, pfreaky weird thing just happened.  THE SECOND I TYPED "STEVE WHO?" I got an email response from Barb saying that Steve is "my husband."  OK, who are YOU?  Are you related to the Pfahls by any chance?]

Guest Book Entry #306
Rich Pfahl
Comments:  I will sign here, do not pfear.

[Note from the editor: Random Pfahl guest book entry on Erich Pfahl's wedding anniversary.  Spooooooooooooky and pfreaky.]

Guest Book Entry #305
Len Grusk
Comments:  ChrisMal is one bad motherfu...Shut yo mouth!!!...just talkin' 'bout ChrisMal!!!

[Note from the editor: Yeah, what he said.]

Guest Book Entry #304
Drew Wine
Comments:  What two coaches in the NFL (past or present) won the Super Bowl as a player and Coach?

Ditka is one - please solve our water cooler problem.

[Note from the editor: Tom Flores.  Jeesh, everyone knows that.]

Guest Book Entry #303
Comments:  I was born Sonia Weikel in Ashland, PA.  I only know my birth mother's name was Betty.  I was adopted.  While looking up some things on the web...I came across your site.  Any chance we're related?

[Note from the editor: OK, Capilo, the joke's gettin' a little stale!  Capilo?  Ekim?  Wait...this isn't a joke, is it?  Actually, the truth is, I'm related to every person whose name appears on this website.]

Guest Book Entry #302
Heather McCool
Comments: I  happened upon your page and ended up on Jolie's pics from Winter 2002.  I ended up looking at all of your pics of her.  She is so lucky to have a devoted father (and mother).  My six month old daughter is also blue eyed and blonde with two teeth on the way!

Guest Book Entry #301
Anita (Aunt Dee)
Comments: Thank you for the pictures of Madison.  If you ever need more, let me know as I have a FEW.  It's truly a small world!  I worked with the paternal grandmother of Quentin Hall, the baby next to Madison.  Gotta go check out Spot and Jolie's pictures next.

Guest Book Entry #300
Dean Germann
Comments: Happy Birthday Chris.  Just checked in and was glad to see people still popping in to say "hi."  When I have time I will indeed put together a Class of '87 page for all my old classmates.  Miss you all.

Guest Book Entry #299
Kathy Hayes
Comments: What a beautiful wife and daughter our favorite co-op has!! I'm kind of disappointed not to see the anniversary of Meghan having a hissy fit because we made her do her math homework included on your list!

[Note from the editor: I'm sorry.  I don't remember exactly what day that was, but I do celebrate that event every year around the approximate day that it occurred.  Hey, I can't say I blame her.  You two were very mean for making her do homework!]

Guest Book Entry #298
Zen Master (a.k.a. Larry Hayes)
Comments: Hold on tight to your IQ, we are currently moving at the speed of stupidity.

[Note from the editor: I will do my best to do as you say, Zen Masta, as I am your most loyal grasshoppa.]

Guest Book Entry #297
Peggy Sturt
Comments: Chris, I am Margaret Gallagher's mom and I wanted to thank you and tell you now much I enjoy pulling up my first grandchild's picture on your website.  I check it once a week to see if any new pictures are up!!  I even check it at school about twice a day to give me a lift.  I really miss the little fella and hope to get back up to see him in a couple of weeks.  You have a precious little girl!

Guest Book Entry #296

Hi! Great page. I myself also do regular movie reviews.

Guest Book Entry #295
Mike Harding
Comments: I was searching the web for information on the game of quaits and I found your site. I can't find anyplace to buy quaits, so I would fabricate a game if I had the dimensions of the pieces. Can you help? Thanks for your time and efforts. And since you seem to like quotes......."It's not trespassing if the boundaries you cross are your own." PS: Nice website

[Note from the editor: What do "quaits" and the lyrics to "Oh Suzanna" have in common?  Both of those things have led people to my website and a signature in my guestbook.  How very weird.]

Guest Book Entry #294
Rick Stone
Comments: Chris, I have no idea how I stumbled onto your site, but wound up spending more than an hour visiting.  I am amazed at how thorough your pages for MPHS are.  It seems that you have stayed in touch with a great many of your classmates.  Anyway, here's some help with your database: Lee Pace can be reached at  I play soccer with Lee, that's how I know him.  Keep up the good work, really fascinating. How in the world do you find time to do this?

[Note from the editor: Lee, the student formerly known as Leon, was our Class of 1986 Class President, and soccer goalie extraordinaire.  After laying the foundation of Class President many years ago, I heard that Lee was going to run for Mayor of Mt. Penn, although that rumor is still unsubstantiated.  Lee was also a master of belching onion gasses at will after eating an Italian Sandwich.  That's enough to get MY vote.]

[Another note from the editor: That email address for Lee Pace doesn't seem to work.]

Guest Book Entry #293
Traci (Wenger) Costanza
Comments: Absolutely think this website is great!  Found it by looking for some things on reunions.  We're starting to look into the 20 year one!  Anyway, you have a great talent and put a lot of work into this site.  It was great to see what my friends from '86 are up to.

[Note from the editor: Aw, shucks, thanks! ... Traci graduated from MPHS in '85.  You can find her in the MPHS cheerleader pictures if you CLICK HERE.  I walked by the Wengers on the way to school every single day.]

Guest Book Entry #292
Beth Stout

Just dropping in to see your AWESOME pages!

Guest Book Entry #291
Silvana Barrales

Congratulations for your website!
Greetings from Argentine,

[Note from the editor: And congratulations to you for finding my site.  You must be related to the Pfahls in some way, I'm guessing.]

Guest Book Entry #290
Richard Pfahl
Comments:  Wondering about any connection to the Pfahl Pfamily of (Cleveland, Ohio) from which I am a member? Currently reside in Holland, MI. What a mischievous site - and active!

[Note from the Guestbook Police: OK, at first I thought, "No f-ing way."  BUT, pfahlappraisal does appear to be a valid AOL screen name, and I looked up this guy's business on the Internet, and such a business really does exist.  Unreal...unless Mr. Capilo has way too much time on his hands!]

Guest Book Entry #289
Karel (Frymoyer) Guinther
Comments:  Chris, I have a lot of fond memories from the friendships that I had established when I lived in Mt. Penn.  Looking at all the pictures and information on your website has brought so many memories flooding back and has made me homesick to be in touch with everyone.  I am so glad that I happened on your website by accident, thank you so much for having it up and running.  You have done a great job!!

Guest Book Entry #288
Phil Slutsky
Comments:  Hey, cool I've found another Slutsky on the web.  We should get together sometime, I have lots of questions to ask the only other living relative I've ever found.  This is amazing, now I'll have someone to visit on holidays.  I'm sooooo happy.  By the way, Mr. Slutsky, the cursor on your "Quotes" home page is a bit a annoying. Those circles won't let me click into another link to navigate the sight.  See you on the 4th.

[Note from the editor: Hmmmm, now wait a minute here.  Someone has got to be playing games.  There can't be this many clueless people surfing the internet with the same last names as people I graduated with.  And just for being a dum-dum, I'm leaving those goofy circles on the "Quotes" page.]

[Note from the Guestbook Police:  Phil Slutsky has since revealed himself as none other than Michael P. Capilo.  Very funny.]

Guest Book Entry #287
Lisa (Westervelt) Kiedeisch
Comments:  I love the web site, Chris. It's awesome! I heard about it through Suzanna. I miss many of our classmates and lost touch of a few. Thanx to you i can get back in touch with them.

[Note from the editor: I'm here to serve.]

Guest Book Entry #286
Tyrone Klempke

[Note from the editor: I know what you're thinking, Tyrone.  But I'm not a Klempke.  I'm not a Klempke, I'm not a Denby, I'm not a Weikel and I'm not a Pfahl.  Long lost relatives of the Class of '86 seem to keep finding their way here with regularity.]

Guest Book Entry #285
Beth Stout

Hi there. Just dropping in! Jolie is tooooooo cute!!! What a sweetie pie!

Guest Book Entry #284
Sheryl Loucks
Comments:  Your page is fantastic, it's the best homepage I have ever seen, must have taken hours, but it is really a great site and I have added your web address to my user info on under my user name which is red_wasabi for anyone who wants to check me out!
Cheers Mate

[Note from the editor: Sheryl Loucks rocks!]

Guest Book Entry #283
Karen (Orth) Rimby
Comments:  Hi Chris! Your web is awesome! We finally have a computer! Thanks for all the great info. Talk to you soon.

Guest Book Entry #282
Jill Porco
Great pics of Jolie!  We have more recent pictures of Eric if you want to update your page with a recent pic of him!

Guest Book Entry #281
Comments: i would like to go
into pets but it
want let me i
would an exclamation for this

[Note from the editor: Oh, you want exclamations?  Here's some: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hehehehe. Sorry, I bust me up.  Access to the Pets page is highly restricted to those who can use proper grammar.]

Guest Book Entry #280
Steven Monroe
Comments: Hey, I am in Idaho...not Indiana, though most people did not know Idaho was a state. We have family on my wife's side and really love the mountains, camping, know, the outdoor thing. I am currently runni...I mean working for the state of Idaho as senior tech for the veterans' division ... Screwdriver mafia??? What the heck is that???

[Note from the editor: Idaho, Indiana - you say Puh-tay-toe, I say Puh-TAH-toe.  Speaking of potatoes, since when is Idaho a state?  I thought it was just a type of Potato ... And, what happened to the family on your side?]

Guest Book Entry #279
Bradley Denby
Comments: Just looking on the web for "Denby" and you're the only one so far that had a homepage  If you read this, email me back.

[Note from the editor: What the heck?  I'm not a Denby, I'm not a Weikel, I'm not a Pfahl!  I do not want them in a fox, I do not want them in a box.  And, hey, never end a sentence with a preposition.  It's "If you read this, email me."  The word "back" adds nothing to that sentence.]

Guest Book Entry #278
Laura Weikel
Comments: Yo, I'm a Weikel, too, representing the west coast, L.A. baby.  The best Weikels rest in the west!

[Note from the editor: Yo, but I'm NOT a Weikel.  Blandon, baby!  The best Malinowskis have yeast in the east!  Errr, no, that's not good...we feast in the east?...I am kinda hungry.]

Guest Book Entry #277
Rm. Ekim Olipac
Comments: Aloha!  Site looks fab.  Happy birthday to all the people getting older.  Never trust a person who doesn't return emails.  Congrats to the DeCourseys.

Guest Book Entry #276
Bob Efraimson

Guest Book Entry #275
Richard Pfahl
Comments: All junk mail must go to Dieter Pfahlmiester because he does not exist in the 'real world'.  Nice name: Pfahl

[Note from the editor: Huh?]

Guest Book Entry #274
Cherisse (Conlon) Feddock
Comments: GREAT WEB PAGE, CHRIS!!!  Wow, I wish our class had something like this!  We just managed to get together for our FIRST high school reunion this past December at Stokesay.  I had a great time seeing old faces!  Anyway, great job and it seems like everyone in the class of 1986 is happy and healthy!  Cherisse

Guest Book Entry #273
Chris Curtis
Comments: You have way too much time on your hands.  I thought a daughter, wife, softball team, job, would take up some time.  When I get home tonight I am going to enroll in a time management course.  I am obviously doing something wrong.  This site is the best.  I'll be back with hopefully something more interesting to say.  I hear you are neighbors with my aunt.  My parents are on Liberty Drive, so maybe I'll see you mowing the lawn---if you have the time!!  Take it easy.  Chris

Guest Book Entry #272
Hi, just surfing the web and visiting other Chihuahua lovers.  Thanks for sharing your babies with us.

Monica, Quebec, Canada

Guest Book Entry #271
Sally Ford
Comments: I was looking up my name on the internet for a bit of fun and came across your website featuring "Sally Ford."  Just interested to know who she is with the same name as me. I am in Australia.

Guest Book Entry #270
Kerry (McGuinness) Royer
Comments: I'm getting sick and tired of the same people year after year on anniversary and birthdays!  Get some new birthdays!

Guest Book Entry #269
Comments: This is a great web page you guys have, interesting life too.  I am from Alberta, Canada, and previously lived in Victoria, British Columbia.  Have 3 grown children, 3 grandchildren.  I was actually searching for the words to the song Old Suzannah for a colleague at work as we gave her a music box for Christmas and it must have played that song!  Take care and have a great year.

Guest Book Entry #268
I really like the picture of spot and your child in her spot costume.

Guest Book Entry #267
Lotta Johansson
+ Gizmo, Ninja, Baloo, Zelda & Misty

Comments from Lotta:
Really nice page with wonderful pictures - Spot is awesome. If you are interested in seeing my 5 Chihuahuas, you are welcome to my homepage, and if you do, please sign my guestbook. Thanks and bye from Lotta in Sweden!

Comments from Gizmo, Ninja, Baloo, Zelda and Misty: We like you very much.  You are so cute and adorable. Best of luck to you and all your friends. You are welcome to see our homepage and hopefully sign into our guestbook. We are 5 Chihuahuas whose names are Gizmo, Ninja, Baloo, Zelda and Misty, and we are living in SWEDEN.

Guest Book Entry #266
Drew Wine
Comments: Thanks for the CD!  It was the only fun gift I received.  Drew

Guest Book Entry #265
Comments: Please send me tap dance pictures and tap dance video clips.  I love the sweet look and sound of tapshoes.

[Note from the editor: Huh?]

Guest Book Entry #264
Beth Stout

Hey!  Just surfing in!  Thanks for adding Nico to your pets page!  Love to all for the Holidays!  I'll bet your having fun shopping for Jolie!!!!!  Thanks for being a great web buddy!

Guest Book Entry #263
Denese Leedy
Comments: Jolie is a beautiful baby!!!  I can tell she is the light of your eyes.  How does the dog like the new baby?

Guest Book Entry #262
Karen Alexis Orth
Comments: Just playing on the net, did a search on my own name and voila!  Makes me wonder if Karen Orth in Reading, PA is related to Karen Orth in So. San Francisco, CA.

Guest Book Entry #261
Comments: Although I am not a graduate from your class at Mt. Penn, I was friends with someone that was. I was trying to locate his email address and it led me to this site. (never did find an email address though.) His name is Dennis Swartz.  We attended Penn State together.  I wanted to give you what little information I had in case you wanted to update your spirit page. His wife's name is Wendy and she is a graduate from Exeter.  He works at Competition Tire (an affiliate of GoodYear) and I believe they are still living in the Fleetwood area.

This is quite an impressive site.  You are truly talented!  It is obvious that your fellow classmates truly appreciate your time, effort and continued research. It is very endearing to see someone take an ongoing interest in their heydays and keep it going strong.  I wish someone would have done this for my class!  Thank you.

Guest Book Entry #260
Kristi (Weinberger) Hedges
Comments: Yes, I do remember Hebs -- I used to get Bottle Caps there.

Only one Chink shop, for sure, because it's definitely not P.C. anymore.  Remember the candy with the edible wrappers?

And I'll always remember Tom Ware, because he played in Scrooge, and so did I.

Guest Book Entry #259
Fred LaBaron
Comments: Chris, I'm not exactly sure how I stumbled across your pages (I was searching for James Taylor lyrics), but I am sure impressed by the amount of work you did for your reunion.  I hope your friends appreciate you, I know I wish I had all this scoop on the people I went to high school with.  Thanks for the enjoyment and God bless.

Guest Book Entry #258
Matt Curtis
Comments: Hello!

Guest Book Entry #257
Dean Germann
Chris, the page looks great.  Dave Knorr, it was a pleasure to see your dreams are coming true, and you're right, I think Brushack was abusive to his own kids!  Mr. Hoffman is now principal of the elementary school.

Guest Book Entry #256
George F. Giancaterino
Comments: Our last name is now spelled Jancaterino because 70 years ago some one in my family thought it would be easier. 10 years ago my wife and I went to Venice Italy and in the Bac art Studio we found a work of art sculpted by Antonio Giancaterino. Ever since then I've been fascinated with finding other Giancaterino's that could possibly be related to us.

[Editor's note: Giancaterino is my sister-in-law's married name.  This guy must've found that name somewhere on this site.]

Guest Book Entry #255
Eric Efraimson
Comments: Great site you have here Chris.  I don't know if you remember me, but I'm a friend of Mike's.  I road up with him on his move back to Reading from Houston.  And I just helped him move to Hawaii.  Anyway, he told me of your site and that he had placed one of my quotes in it (he wasn't joking this time), and let he let me know that he had misspelled my last name (he wasn't joking again).  To make a long story short I had to check out the site.  Once again, he was right in telling me it was a great site.  Take it easy.

Guest Book Entry #254
08/20/02, 9:32 p.m.
Joey Nerino
Comments: Stopped at your site because I saw the surname Nerino and I am searching for other Nerinos that maybe related to me.  Cool site and cool pics.  Thanks for letting us look.

Guest Book Entry #253
08/19/02, 9:07 a.m.
Dave Knorr, a.k.a - Bilo Riffo

Comments: I have some general comments & some questions that have been bugging me...
  • Was Mr. Bearley Leonard Bernstein's long lost twin brother?
  • Should young kids have been allowed to operate saws in shop class?
  • I remember being amazed that Bob Pettit could pedal his 10-speed bike up that hill to his house. Bob turned me on to Egg McMuffins.
  • Jeff Peterson picked me up and threw me 10 feet one day at recess.
  • Dave Strickler punched me in the stomach while we were doing jumping jacks in kindergarden class. Julie Hyman came to my aid.
  • Mr. Haag called me a simpleton one day in English class. I've been called worse, but at the time it bugged me.
  • Does anyone remember Sam Rothrauf?
  • Did anyone else get sick from eating too many soft pretzels & PB&J sandwiches at lunch?
  • There's only 1 Chink Shop in the entire galaxy!  I remember having to decide between there & Jake's.  Jake's had good burgers but the Chink Shop had those 5th Avenue bars with the white chocolate.
  • Does anyone remember Heb's?
  • How did Jeff Greene feel when our middle-school gym teacher died?
  • Were the columns of stacked books in Bob Painter's apartment really holding up the ceiling?
  • Who can forget Tom Ware?
  • Did we really play a Black Sabbath song during an assembly at the high school.
  • Hmmm ... high -  school ... what an appropriate name.
  • Scott Kochel was always stoned, wasn't he?
  • Oh yeah, I did out-run Barry Mowery in the long-race at the 4th grade Olympics.
  • Does Kelly Grimm still tap dance?
  • Yes, I did fail the 9th grade because I became obsessive-compulsive about practicing the guitar. You know, it was Christine Jurasinski who inspired me to take up guitar lessons. She played guitar & sang folk songs in our 6th grade class.
  • Ahhhhh, Mr. Bosart. What a character.  Didn't he place 1st in the international auto-harp competition?
  • Did Jim Quirk actually cry every time he heard "Mr. Bojangles"? He was the first kid I knew that actually had the entire set of little green army men that you'd see in the back of Sgt. Rock comic books.
  • Kenny Hoverter sounded like a cow moaning in falsetto every time he laughed...

Guest Book Entry #252
08/18/02, 10:35 a.m.
Dave Knorr, a.k.a - Bilo Riffo

I found this webpage by accident when I was looking for pictures of Reading (I've been very homesick after 18 years). I experienced emotional overload when I saw the pictures, old and new, of the people I grew up with.  I have my own guitar teaching business in Gulfport, Mississippi. My wife Tara and I play in a band together. The web address for the band is posted above. Ya'll join the mailing list, ya hear!

Guest Book Entry #251
08/18/02, 7:24 a.m.
Kim (Steiger) Farinelli
Comments: Happy Birthday Chris!  Love your site... Wish we had one for Class of '87!!

Guest Book Entry #250
08/12/02, 7:57 a.m.
Brandy Stremba
Comments You have a page for your dog too!

Guest Book Entry #249
08/06/02, 4:41 p.m.
Donna Domenick
Comments: Great web page!  Love the picture of my girl Amy on her 30th Birthday.  Jolie is a beautiful little girl!

Guest Book Entry #248
07/23/02, 4:23 p.m.
Kristi (Weinberger) Hedges
Comments: Just pulling things up on Google and came across this web site.  Pretty impressive.  I would have graduated from Mt. Penn in 1984, but moved away my junior year.  It's fun to see what some Mt. Penn graduates are up to.

Guest Book Entry #247
07/11/02, 8:20 p.m.
Steve King
Comments: Sorry, Chris.  I'm not planning on coming back.  If you were my boss I might consider it.

Guest Book Entry #246
07/09/02, 9:47 p.m.
Bob Painter

Guest Book Entry #245
07/03/02, 11:12 a.m.
Dan Hafetz
Comments: Some idiot friend of mine did a Google search and came across the picture of the MPHS 1985 Golf Team.  Next thing I know, the picture is the subject of a corporate contest, "Name the current employee in this picture and the sport".  Despite the embarrassment, your site is fantastic.  There is a business model here.

Guest Book Entry #244
06/14/02, 3:30 p.m.
Nysia Petrakis
Comments: Great site - I searched for my class's reunion website, and I stumbled across this one.  It's great to see that so many of you are doing well.

Guest Book Entry #243
06/13/02, 8:20 p.m.
Comments: The pix of Jamie's bloody leg is ... very nice.  Geez, what kind of site is this!  And what kind of guys did Jamie hang around with???
- Sandee, Jamie's relative.

Guest Book Entry #242
05/14/02, 1:49 p.m.
Comments: I loved the softball injuries.  It helped me with a report for school.  I am a fastpitch softball player and I had experienced some of these same things.  I play the infield - mostly third, shortstop and second.  It might hurt to play but it's worth every cut and nick.  Good luck.  Hope all of your friends are OK now.  Tell them I said to get better and move on and keep playing.

Guest Book Entry #241
04/29/02, 9:58 p.m.
Barb (Yerger) Weston
Comments: Chris, I was told by Karen (Orth) Rimby that you had  a great  web site.  This is fantastic!  I like it better than!  It seems  like everyone from any class at Mount Penn has used your site.  What a  great way to keep our class connected!  Can we get e-mail addresses without having to use  Thanks for your vision and insight to a massive project!  Barb

Guest Book Entry #240
04/29/02, 5:30 p.m.
Jeff Petersen

Guest Book Entry #239
04/27/02, 2:30 a.m.
Kathy Martinez
Comments: Hello. I just ended up here while on the web! Congratulations on your beautiful baby girl Jolie! I am the proud parent of a new baby boy born Feburary 10, 2002 at 4:31p.m. I can relate to how wonderful it is having a new miracle at home.  I just wanted to send good wishes your way from New Mexico from my son, Julian Paul Martinez and me.

Guest Book Entry #238
04/25/02, 3:44 p.m.
Cathy (Ketcher) Rowley
Comments: Hi Chris!  I am just wanting to put in a plug for my side business!  Creative Memories Scrapbooking!  If you like taking photographs, spend the extra time and money to display them and express them in scrapbooking albums!  Email me, I'll get you started!  Located in Exeter, PA.

Guest Book Entry #237
04/24/02, 2:12 a.m.
Comments: Could you email me the pic of Drew flexing?

Guest Book Entry #236
04/19/02, 1:24 p.m.
Dean Germann
Comments: It has been an honor looking over these pages.  It brought back a lot of fond memories.  Thanx Chris, I needed it.

Guest Book Entry #235
04/06/02, 6:58 p.m.
Patricia Wooten

Guest Book Entry #234
04/04/02, 2:19 p.m.
Mike Capilo
Comments: Hey!!!  It seems to me that you should form a Chris Malinowski club.  Chris Mal's from all over the globe would converge it would be a rockin' good time.  I'd change my name to be in that rare company.

Guest Book Entry #233
04/03/02, 6:03 p.m.
Fabia Pfahl
Comments: Hi!  I'm Brazilian student, and "Pfahl" too!  I'm sorry, my English is "trash." :(  My home is in Corn�io Proc�pio - Paran� - Brazil. Good-Bye!

(Editor's note:  But...I'm not a Pfahl...although, like most people, I wish I was.)

Guest Book Entry #232
04/03/02, 2:15 p.m.
Chris Malinowski
Comments: How many more of us have you heard of?

Guest Book Entry #231
03/27/02, 9:27 a.m.
Beth Stout

 You're pics are great!  Sorry I don't have any up yetJolie is sooooo cute!  Wonder where you got the marshmallow bunnies. ;)   
Have a great Easter!! Beth

Guest Book Entry #230
03/18/02, 3:47 p.m.
Cathy (Ketcher) Rowley
Comments: Oh no Chris, there is another Chris Malinowski out there!  How cool is that!  And you thought you were the only one!  I believe your site is bigger than you expected! He comes from Norway! Cheers!

Guest Book Entry #229
03/11/02, 10:22 p.m.
Suzanna Post Barlow
Comments: Hey Chris!  You're the most talented.  This website is incredible.  My husband found it while doing a search on himself.  I will send you my updated info soon.  I logged on tonight because I remembered that you were going to have a baby.  Jolie is adorable!  I'm glad to see that everyone is doing well.  I sympathize with everything Bev went through.  I had a C-section last year - I wince just thinking about having to cough.  I will send you an e-mail soon to let you know what I've been up to.  Biggest thing - November 2, 2000, we had a baby boy named Troy Christopher!
- Suzanna

Guest Book Entry #228
03/11/02, 3:17 p.m.
Christopher Malinowski
Comments: Hi! My name is... my name is... Christopher Malinowski! I'm from Norway! It's cool to have a name-friend! Chris

Guest Book Entry #227
03/11/02, 3:07 p.m.
Karla & Goliath

 We just came by to see Spot.  What a sweetie.  We also liked your friends' pet pictures too!  Great site!  Check out this cool site that dresses small dogs.  Pet clothes for very small pets such as Chihuahuas and Toy Poodles.   Reversible design with Holiday and seasonal prints available at affordable prices.

Guest Book Entry #226
03/07/02, 2:19 p.m.
Marta (Weitz) Josephson
Comments: How cute is she??!!!  I wish I lived closer so I could see her in person!!  Well, I guess I'll just have to keep looking at pictures until you decide to bring her down here to see the sunshine and visit Mickey Mouse!!!

Guest Book Entry #225
03/06/02, 1:00 p.m.
Tracy Holland
Comments: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!  Jolie is absolutely beautiful.
It's obvious you are both enjoying parenting, so have fun and keep the photos coming.  Your Jolie page is a big hit at the office.  Take care.

Guest Book Entry #224
02/28/02, 7:43 p.m.
Comments: Hey guys-long time no see. I can't believe you clowns are still doing the rotisserie league after a guy who doesn't even like baseball beat the pants off of you to start it all! Quick note - finishing up residency in Philadelphia this summer and moving to South Jersey for a real job in July. What the hell is everyone else doing - e-mail me I would love to know. By the way Chris your site is incredible.

Guest Book Entry #223
02/24/02, 2:45 a.m.
Comments: Hello, I saw your cute dog!  I came from the Chihuahua web ring.  I'm Japanese, I have two Chihuahuas, named Chic and Himawari (sunflower).  I really enjoyed the lovely pictures!!  I just want to say that, thank you.

Guest Book Entry #222
02/18/02, 4:42 p.m.
Cathy (Ketcher) Rowley
Comments: Hi Chris!  I know I already wished you my congrats, but congrats again!  This is so exciting!  Jolie is so beautiful!  Savor every second and every time you are holding her, don't forget to stop in front of that mirror and get a glimpse of pure life!  It's a wonderful feeling!  By the way, are your cheekbones hurting from smiling yet??  Tell Bev to sleep when Jolie sleeps!  I never listened to that bit of advise and wish I had.  Happy baby-ing!  Cathy

Guest Book Entry #221
02/18/02, 9:33 a.m.
Steve Stremba
Comments: Congratulations, you will no doubt be the world's greatest parents.  P.S. The picture of the wolf tattoo is very cool !!

Guest Book Entry #220
02/16/02, 9:15 a.m.
Mike Capilo
Comments: Audio confirmation means nothing.  I want hard evidence. 

Where's the Jolie page?

Guest Book Entry #219
02/11/02, 11:26 a.m.
Drew Gallagher
Comments: Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today in history--you became a father...

Guest Book Entry #218
02/07/02, 10:42 p.m.
Drew Gallagher
Comments: I have audio confirmation (a mix tape) that Journey "Escape" was in fact Mike's favorite teenage album.

Guest Book Entry #217
02/01/02, 8:17 p.m.
Gypsy, the red Chihuahua
Comments: Hi, Spot. This is your friend Gypsy stopping by to say hello! I see you have my picture up on your page, but my link is not working. (It's an old pic anyway) You're still looking cute as ever and your site is way cool. Have a great Valentine's day. Come see me sometime. Gypsy, the red Chihuahua from Virginia.

Guest Book Entry #216
01/29/02, 9:07 a.m.
Bob Shaner
Comments: Hasn't that kid been born yet? I'm tired of looking at that ultrasound. What's the wife look like nude these days?

Guest Book Entry #215
01/03/02, 3:01 p.m.
Julie (Horst) Natoli
Comments: Hey, my sweet, but strange friend. How am I supposed to keep up on this baby thing if I can't read it??  My eyesight isn't THAT bad.  By the way, a couple of old friends got in contact with me because of this website...way to go!  Hope your holidays were splendid and everything is well...Jul

Guest Book Entry #214
12/11/01, 10:32 p.m.
Mike Capilo
Comments: Alright!!!  Who's the joker who put my favorite teenaged album as Journey?  Which it wasn't.  I nominate Drew Gallagher.  The album served a purpose, but favorite, never.  Not while "Men At Work" was pumping out hits!!!   

Guest Book Entry #213
11/29/01, 7:55 p.m.
Bruce Wayne (a.k.a. Dad)
Comments: Next to that Stoney Creek Designs web site, this one really rocks. By the way, the NEW SCD web site is real close to be published. I can't wait!!!!

Guest Book Entry #212
11/03/01, 10:51 p.m.
Jackie (Ritter) DeLong
Comments: What a cool web page. I loved looking at all the pictures and learning "stuff" about people I know!

Guest Book Entry #211
11/03/01, 10:12 p.m.
Jeff Petersen
Comments: Chris, your memory just BOGGLES my mind.  I'd like to wish Bev a Happy 34th Birthday! Good luck with the pregnancy! Keep in touch, neighbor.

Guest Book Entry #210
11/03/01, 12:19 p.m.
Julie (Horst) Natoli
Comments: I think the fact you aged the best out of all of us is up for discussion! You're still a very sweet, but strange guy, though!!!!

Guest Book Entry #209
11/02/01, 8:46 a.m.
Marta (Weitz) Josephson
Comments: Hey KPPB!!! Glad to see that you put the reunion picture on your site!! I could pick out a few people, but it was a little small for me to pick out the rest!!!  Can't wait to see the rest of them!!! 

Guest Book Entry #208
10/04/01, 1:32 p.m.
Cathy (Ketcher) Rowley
Comments: Hi Chris!  WOW, a girl, that is so exciting!  It's even more exciting to know that you get to share the bathroom in your house, with two women!  Well, at least when the little one grows up anyway.  A little bit of advise: don't buy that phone for her room too early.  She will only come out of her room for dinner!  Haha  The ultrasound looks just like you!  Just kidding, can't tell a thing!  Have a great experience and rest your cheekbones, cause once she is born, you will never stop smiling, never!  Enjoy!

Guest Book Entry #207
10/03/01, 12:26 p.m.
Sue Hohenadel
Comments: Congratulations to My Pal and Bev!  From the pic, it seems that she's already sporting Daddy's haircut!  By the way, have you run the name "Donovanna McNabb Sue Kerry Lisa Malinowski" by Bev yet?  I'm sure it's just a formality, but you should let her in on the baby's name soon...

Guest Book Entry #206
10/02/01, 4:59 p.m.
Bob Shaner
Comments: When is the product of this demon seed going to be born? .....and I thought you'd at least have pictures of your wife's balooning belly on your web site. I dig pregnant women!

Guest Book Entry #205
09/29/01, 8:14 p.m.
Steve Stremba
Comments: CONGRATS!!! She looks just like me!!
Daughters are SOOOO wonderful.

Guest Book Entry #204
09/27/01, 9:01 p.m.
Kim Marsh
Comments: Thanks for posting "Tail Wagging Fun" Dog Training Business on your Web Site.  You are REALLY cool, this Web Site is GREAT...Thanks So Much!!!

Guest Book Entry #203
09/26/01, 11:52 p.m.
Roger Sinitri

 Hi Chris, I met you this past weekend at the MPHS reunion.  I was Julie (Horst) Natoli's rental date.  You repeated your site name so many times its engrained in my memory.  Stopped by to check it out...all at once it's really cool, yet really creepy.  I love your humor and wit, but frightened by your choice of its outlet.  I'm not sure whether to say great job or seek professional help ASAP!  Honestly, it was a fun site...oh yeah, and your wife is hot.  Take care and it was nice meeting you.

Guest Book Entry #202
09/18/01, 9:02 p.m.
Julie Crow
Comments: Hi.  Just wanted to stop in and say 'hi'. Needed a boost today, so I visited your site - it always makes me smile. Keep up the good work! Julie :)

Guest Book Entry #201
09/18/01, 2:34 p.m.
Brett Endy
Comments: Hello Chris, found the page via Rob Miller.  Hope all is well with everyone.  Biggest news is that I live in Puerto Rico now.  Anyone who needs a place to vaca let me know, I have a spare bedroom with ocean view. Otherwise hopefully see you or some of your fans (Drew, Steve, Mike, etc.) at Bixlers Wednesday before Thanksgiving.  Are the Moyers old enough to drink yet?   

Guest Book Entry #200
09/13/01, 7:10 p.m.
Beth Stout

 Always love your page.  Just dropping in to say Hi!  Beth

Guest Book Entry #199
09/07/01, 6:33 p.m.
Rob Miller
Comments: This was one of the most impressive websites that I have ever seen.  We need to have a stickball reunion game in the future.

Guest Book Entry #198
08/31/01, 1:34 a.m.
Nicole Luebbert
Comments: Thank you so much for your website.  I was going absolutely nuts trying to figure out the name of a movie and your website helped me out immensely.

Guest Book Entry #197
08/21/01, 3:36 p.m.
Vander Cordana

 Very nice, keep it up!

Guest Book Entry #196
08/20/01, 7:53 p.m.
Comments: Chris page, Chris!

Guest Book Entry #195
08/19/01, 9:01 p.m.
Eddie Dembokowitz
Comments: Hey Chris, Just got a call from Aisle Ickey and we are both thinking about coming out of wiffle ball retirement.  Don't want to play for JQ's team.  That guy really sucks.  Ed

Guest Book Entry #194
08/18/01, 3:36 p.m.
Comments: Good set-up.

Guest Book Entry #193
08/17/01, 12:13 p.m.
Abbie Machen
Comments: This is a great site! Very inventive with the links to everyone on the Birthday pages! Keep up all the good work!

P.S. Ever thought of starting a BS'ing Forum?

Guest Book Entry #192
08/16/01, 11:29 a.m.
Comments: Chris, I just happened to find your site on the web while looking up Reading Rehab Hospital for a friend and I had to sign your guestbook to tell you how very impressive the pages are and how I wish someone in my class had been so clever and industrious!  I am truly impressed. Sincerely, Nancy

Guest Book Entry #191
08/16/01, 8:14 a.m.
Hunter Stremba's_page.htm

 Please remove "spaniel" from my breed name. I am not a spaniel, spaniels flush game, I point. The "spaniel" part was dropped by the AKC in 1982. I am a Brittany. Also I deserve more than a tiny thumbnail near the bottom of your page. September 9th I will become an exchange student. I am going away to bird dog hunting school. The first step to earning an AKC Senior Hunting title.

Guest Book Entry #190
08/13/01, 4:19 p.m.
Lori (Czarnecki) LaPearl
Comments:  Hey Chris - This just keeps getting better and better!  Our Class of 86' page is GREAT! I love getting to see what everyone has been doing since we've graduated. Can't wait to see what happened to the other classmates who had left our great class to go to other schools.  (What were they thinking?!)

Guest Book Entry #189
08/11/01, 1:26 p.m.
Bob Shaner
Comments: I see its time for the annual hosing...I mean your Sudden Death pool. I couldnt find a better way to be scammed out of my money. I'm in the pool - I promise you'll only have to put up with me for a short time - just like the last 4 years. You do have a gift - making people feel good about losing $25.

Guest Book Entry #188
08/07/01, 12:32 p.m.
Marta (Weitz) Josephson
Comments: Hey KPB!!! I know I've been VERY tardy with sending you updated pictures for our Class of '86 stuff, but I promise to get them to you soon!  In the meantime, there are pictures of both my sister (Becca) and I are on, which is a website of one of Becca's friends.  The pictures are from October 2000, and I am under the section on jackets.

Guest Book Entry #187
08/04/01, 3:50 a.m.

 This is cool.  I'm just a stranger from Connecticut, WHHS class of 1998. It's interesting to peer into the lives of the MPHS Class of 1986, kinda makes me wish I could have checked it out for a day to see what it was like. 

Guest Book Entry #186
08/01/01, 10:53 p.m.
Drew Gallagher
Comments: Response to Julie Crow: Hey, I look good in that picture, but maybe that's because Chris and I got plenty of sleep (in the same bed) while you and Suzanne were partying with the band!

Guest Book Entry #185
08/01/01, 7:58 a.m.
Julie Crow
Comments: Hi Chris! Great seeing you at the wedding! Yes, too bad we did not get a chance to visit longer. We had a great time - Drew should throw parties more often!! And of all the pictures you kept from the Marillion concert, why was it from the morning after? We are standing in the lobby, hung over and I'm wearing the nerd glasses. Thanks!

Guest Book Entry #184
07/31/01, 9:13 p.m.
John Cressman

Guest Book Entry #183
07/30/01, 10:46 p.m.
Traci DeCarlo
Comments: Do you have a regular job???  LOL. This page is great!!  How about taking on the challenge of doing Class of 87, too???  You have spare time, right???

Guest Book Entry #182
07/23/01, 3:51 p.m.
Shawn Ganter
Comments: Remember me...Who DJ'ed Jodi's 16th Birthday party?  I left MPHS after 10th grade to go to Exeter.

Guest Book Entry #181
07/19/01, 10:48 p.m.
Teresa (Gramly) Kendrick
Comments: You are just the coolest...web site and all!

Guest Book Entry #180
07/17/01, 7:59 p.m.
Mike's Mom - Patricia
Comments: Chris:  Loved what you have done with "Teri" the cat. But credit do, where credit belongs!  Ask Mike who took those delightful pictures.  See you and your charming wife at Drew's wedding.  Always,  Pat Capilo

Guest Book Entry #179
07/14/01, 11:59 a.m.
Comments: My first time on the internet, enjoyed your site.  My dog is overweight.  He only likes people food.  He is paper trained in a box.  Loves his morning walks.  His name is Peppy and he weighs 15 to 20 pounds.

Guest Book Entry #178
07/13/01, 6:12 p.m.
Drew Gallagher
Comments: Nice web site, but I really think you need to play up my wedding a little more... 

Guest Book Entry #177
07/10/01, 2:57 p.m.
Cathy (Ketcher) Rowley
Comments: Hi Robin!  We are getting closer to that reunion date!  Thanks again for all your help!  I wouldn't have been able to get this far without the help of your site!  I am trying to sum up the details on when, where and how much!  Talk to you soon!  Batman!  haha. 

Guest Book Entry #176
07/10/01, 12:17 p.m.
Sheila (Mervine) Witthaut
Comments: Chris - cool site I didn't know about it until I got the survey from Cathy for the class reunion.  It is interesting to see what everyone has been up to since 1986. 

Guest Book Entry #175
07/09/01, 7:45 a.m.
Mike Capilo
Comments: To set the record straight....this July 15th is the TWO year anniversary of my facial injury.  And, the actual injury was a broken nose, cut around the eye and much pain.  Now I can sleep at night.

Guest Book Entry #174
07/03/01, 9:48 p.m.
Your Dad, Roger Mal

 Thanks for the guest book. Now you'll have to come over and show me how to set it up...

Guest Book Entry #173
06/28/01, 8:21 a.m.
Marta (Weitz) Josephson
Comments: Hey there King PB...from now on I think I have to put all of my comments here, cause' they keep making their way into my 86''s getting really long!!! Thanks for this web site, it's really great, and it's bringing back soooooo many memories...even some of the ones I tried to forget!!! I DEFINITELY have to get you some current pictures though, considering I FINALLY cut my hair after high school!! Maybe one day soon I'll give you a call...on our hand to hand phones!!!  :o)

Guest Book Entry #172
06/27/01, 1:57 a.m.
Karla Davis

 Very interesting site---I thoroughly enjoyed some of the reviews.  Keep the cynicism up, folks. :)

Guest Book Entry #171
06/24/01, 8:34 a.m.
Marta (Weitz) Josephson
Comments: Hey Chris, you funny guy!!! Wow...what more can I say, but I think you have way too much times on your hands!!! Seriously, great ARE the man!!!!The Class of 86 was great work, but I must correct you on 1 thing!!!  I NEVER said I hated how I LOOKED when I was bodybuilding...I said that I hated the training/diet for the competition, but the competition was worth it. I NEVER did steroids and competed at 110# and 6-7% bodyfat, how can you hate that??!! Anyway, even you can't be right ALL the time, although you're still perfect in my eyes!!  :o) Hey, whenever you two are ready, get your butts on a plane and come down here to South FLA and visit!!! Marta :�

Guest Book Entry #170
06/20/01, 8:52 a.m.
Co Lieu
Comments: Chris: Excellent Job. I was shocked to see my picture on the web. I thought I was most wanted on the FBI list. First time I was on the web.

Guest Book Entry #169
06/20/01, 4:49 a.m.
Marie & "Manny"
Comments: I have an 18 month old chi who I love very much! He has a web page - Please come, visit & join! I'd love to have Spot on my site. He is so adorable! Your site is wonderful and I really enjoy all of the pictures! We need more web friends!  Thanks!

Guest Book Entry #168
06/19/01, 9:41 a.m.
Binky (a.k.a. Kim Bennett)
Comments: Hi Lolly, Member me?  Your long lost pal, Binkster.  HOW YOU DOIN?

Guest Book Entry #167
06/18/01, 10:43 p.m.
Don Repsher
Comments: New web site.  Looks great and very interesting.  I added it to my favorites.  Keep up the good work as usual.

Guest Book Entry #166
06/12/01, 9:31 p.m.
Jeff Werner
Comments: Hey Chris my best buddy.  Your site is exceptional!!! BTW, are you really that good at picking football games.  If so, I think I just found a way to pay for my kid's college!!  Take Care.

Guest Book Entry #165
06/12/01, 4:17 p.m.
Bob Shaner
Comments: New domain name - same crappy web site!!! Would you expect anything else from me???

Guest Book Entry #164
06/12/01, 4:14 p.m.
Adam Diamont
Comments: Chris, Excellent work - You've come a long way since the early days banging on the Commodore VIC 20... MPHS and the dude who used to run the "Chink Shop" would be proud to say they knew you when.

Guest Book Entry #163
06/12/01, 9:07 a.m.
Cathy (Ketcher) Rowley
Comments: Spread the word!  The Mt. Penn Class of 1986 is about to have their 15th year class reunion!  If you have any information on "missing classmates", let Chris know!  Surveys already went out week of June 4, 2001.  If you didn't receive one yet, it's probably because we can't contact you!  

Guest Book Entry #162
06/12/01, 7:22 a.m.
Beth Stout

 Wow! A domain name! Kewl!!!
I think your pages are GREAT! 

Guest Book Entry #161
06/11/01, 9:13 p.m.
Phil Hodges
Comments: You sure the crazy looking dude at the top of this page was partly responsible for your birth?  Later...Spanky & Babs 

Guest Book Entry #160
06/08/01, 7:16 p.m.
Comments: Cute site, cute Chihuahua. Course, I like 'em all! 

Guest Book Entry #159
06/01/01, 7:46 p.m.
Kathleen Petruska
Comments: I am visiting with my good friends Sandy and Brendan...enjoying myself thoroughly, even though I only know Brendan from your class.  Will you do this investigative reporting for my class? 

Guest Book Entry #158
05/19/01, 3:26 p.m.
Kari (Drew's "Flashing" Friend)

Guest Book Entry #157
05/17/01, 9:25 a.m.
Brian Kercher
Comments: Hi, I'm a Kercher too.  I'm sure we are related somewhere down the line.  Nice web page.  (Editor's note: But I'm not a Kercher, I don't get it...)

Guest Book Entry #156
05/17/01, 12:30 a.m.
Chris Bragg

Guest Book Entry #155
05/15/01, 2:13 p.m.
Beth Stout

 Chris,Love your polls!  And thanx for the anniversary spot!  You're page is awesome.  How do you keep track of it all?   Have a great day! Beth

Guest Book Entry #154
05/09/01, 10:20 a.m.
Mark Hummel
Comments: Good work, Chris! 

Guest Book Entry #153
05/08/01, 7:45 p.m.
Jerry Flowers (a.k.a. Brett Bowers)

Guest Book Entry #152
04/22/01, 12:22 p.m.
Karen (Denby) Kauffman

Guest Book Entry #151
04/18/01, 11:06 p.m.
Carl Rudolph
Comments: Hey Chris & Bev. - What's up, how's life?  My cat is sitting hear fascinated at the cursor going across the screen.  Just thought I'd say Hi.  Do I really owe you $10 Chris-Sorry. You can stop by my new house after June 29 if I don't see you before then.  Our address will be 95 Cornerstone drive.  It's right by the pipeline. It's being built now if you drive by. Anyway.  Hope all is well with you guys.  See ya.


Guest Book Entry #150
03/24/01, 8:49 p.m.
Mark & Mike Moyer's mother
Comments: Great web site! Since you married a Lehigh Valley girl, you have become sooooooo creative!

Guest Book Entry #149
03/22/01, 8:46 p.m.
Mike Malinowski
Comments: Just a hello to a fellow Malinowski.  I live in New Orleans, LA and my father is from Buffalo, NY.

Guest Book Entry #148
03/18/01, 11:06 p.m.
Laura (Schnader) Van Aken
Comments: Hey Chris, this is an amazing site! I talked to you far too long tonight. If only I had realized sooner that you were taking notes!

Guest Book Entry #147
03/18/01, 7:32 p.m.
Bob Shaner
Comments: Its been a while since I've been to your pages. Nothings changed!!! Still the most brilliant Internet site on the web!!

....and thanks for finally clearing my check after 4 months. Is that your idea of a practical joke on a CPA?

Guest Book Entry #146
03/01/01, 9:29 a.m.
Art Spackle
Comments: Visit for 50-question cult movie quiz!
Keep up the good work!

Guest Book Entry #145
02/24/01, 6:54 p.m.
Tracy Holland
Comments: I'm glad you liked the picture! I just copied the entire sequence and will send them to you Monday. Isn't Cassie cute?! In answer to Drew's shameless fish for Birthday wishes--- Happy Birthday Drew!!! I'm right behind you.

Guest Book Entry #144
02/23/01, 10:45 p.m.
Drew Gallagher
Comments: I will be turning 31 in an hour and 15 minutes.  The rotisserie picture makes me smile even 16 years later! We all look so happy and innocent.

Guest Book Entry #143
02/15/01, 11:23 a.m.
Cathy (Ketcher) Rowley
Comments: Hello there!  Cathy (Ketcher) here. Love what you did to your page!  You are too creative!  I can't believe I stumbled onto!  This is like having a reunion without actually seeing the people!  Keep in touch!

Guest Book Entry #142
02/12/01, 10:20 p.m.
Beth Stout

 I just love your page.  You are out of my league!  Happy Valentine's Day!!  I'll share this time!!!  LOL

Guest Book Entry #141
02/11/01, 6:03 p.m.
Diane (Jimski) Clemens
Comments: Greetings Chris. Nice photos. Nice site. I graduated (from MPHS) in '76. Reading your comments on "" were interesting. Mister Ranck was teaching Chem when I started 7th grade on 25th St. I hear the A-field is to become houses. Is this true? I live in VT. Do you know if there any MPHS graduates up here? Thanks for the answers in advance.

Guest Book Entry #140
01/22/01, 11:17 p.m.
Julie Crow
Comments: Hi Chris!  Long time no chat! Web site is awesome. Where can I find the pictures from the Marillion concert? I hope they are not too incriminating!  I will definitely see you at Drew's wedding in July.  Hugs and Kisses, Julie

Guest Book Entry #139
01/22/01, 11:17 p.m.
Chris Barr
Comments: Very impressive site Chris...too much time on our hands, eh?  Hope all is well.

Guest Book Entry #138
01/21/01, 10:59 a.m.
The French Fries (Jean & Aurelie)
Comments: Hey Chris!  Your site is excellent!!  I can't believe how much stuff you have stored here...btw I was browsing through birthdays, looking for the Julian's double birthday (10 and 20). And in the middle I saw the name of our son! You're faster than speedlight, my god...Great great job.

Keep up the amazing work,
Jean & Aurelie

Guest Book Entry #137
01/21/01, 1:05 a.m.
Beth (Rosser) Smith
Comments: Great web site Chris...
Love the MPHS Class of '86 Page!

Guest Book Entry #136
01/20/01, 2:34 p.m.
Troy Heckert
Comments: Have you seen my baseball?

Guest Book Entry #135
01/20/01, 11:41 a.m.
Bob Shaner
Comments: Man, I'm comforted by the fact that I'm not on the list of people who owe you money. Call me if you need help collecting - I know some people.....

Guest Book Entry #134
01/12/01, 4:53 p.m.
Snap (Jeff Harlow's Aunt Dee)
Comments: Your pictures are quite good. I do however wish to lodge a protest to the one for the engagement of Jeff & Robyn. I tried on Christmas Eve, Christmas night, New Year's day and Jan 10 to take an Engagement picture and all I got were a bunch of excuses: "I'm too sweaty"; "My hair's not done"; "His hair's too long"; and "It's not going in the newspaper." If you know how I can get them to cooperate for a picture, please let me know.

Guest Book Entry #133
01/09/01, 11:49 a.m.
Lori (Czarnecki) LaPearl
Comments: Hey Chris, Your web-page gets better all the time!  When I can't find anything else to do on the computer I go to your page.  GREAT JOB!! 

Guest Book Entry #132
01/08/01, 12:22 a.m.
Janie - Oklahoma City
Comments: Spot is one of the cutest little dogs I've ever seen. I love the pose.     

Guest Book Entry #131
01/04/01, 3:51 p.m.
O.J. LeMay
Comments: Nice web page.

Guest Book Entry #130
12/12/00, 5:15 p.m.
Beth Stout

 Happy Anniversary Chris and Bev!!

Guest Book Entry #129
12/11/00, 10:44 p.m.
John Crow
Comments: It has been a while but the site continues to get better. I was just wondering if you still are working full time or just decided to devote your entire life to this web site. Great job. See you at Drew's wedding. JC

Guest Book Entry #128
12/01/00, 12:54 p.m.
Comments: Hi  there, and  thanks  for  visiting  the  site, and  your  very  generous  link! As  soon  as  I  put  up  a  links page  on  my  site, you'll  be  first  in  line. Great  site  with  loads  to  do!  Thanks  again, Gutty

Guest Book Entry #127
11/30/00, 2:22 p.m.
Comments: Hey! Very cool site. You have an awesome selection of reviews and it was sooo cool to find one of Some Girl. I LOVED that movie.  It had a brilliant cast, plus I have a thing for teen/20-something drama, what can I say? Anyway, keep up the good work and feel free to visit my site on the link above.

Guest Book Entry #126
11/13/00, 12:48 a.m.
Terry Troop
Comments: I have to keep tabs on you...I never know when I will get blindsided!! Bravo on the ciggie statement..I agree 110%!!

Guest Book Entry #125
10/22/00, 11:44 p.m.
The Chi Zoo
Comments: Just surfing the Chi Webrings and thought we'd leave a note to tell ya we stopped by and visited your pages.  Great Site. : )  Next time you're hopping through AOL's Hometown, stop in and visit the Chi Zoo. : )

[Note from the Editor: The "Chi Zoo" website is apparently no more, so the link was removed.]

Guest Book Entry #124
10/19/00, 11:13 a.m.
Jeff Hawkins
Comments: Excellent site. I was perusing the web for various sites with guestbooks for ideas when I came across yours and was most impressed.

Guest Book Entry #123
10/18/00, 9:17 a.m.
Denese Leedy
Comments: I think this website is really great. Thank you for putting my 2 babies (Meesha and Taz) in the pet section. At the time they were only 6 weeks old but love having their pictures taken.

Guest Book Entry #122
10/17/00, 9:39 p.m.
Mr. Mal
Comments: Just checkin' in. Your page is still great as usual! Hey, it says I'm the 523rd person, do I get something for free? WOW! Some people are always lookin' for a hand out.

Guest Book Entry #121
10/09/00, 9:54 p.m.
Beth Stout

 Just checkin' in! Your page is still great as usual!
Hey, it says I'm the 500th person, do I get something free? LOL

Guest Book Entry #120
10/06/00, 4:50 p.m.
Kim Harman
Comments: See you at The Beautiful South show in Philly. Thanks. Kim

Guest Book Entry #119
10/03/00, 11:34 a.m.
Joelle (Miller) Gibas
Comments: I found my buddy Leanne Seitz because of you,
you are just way too cool.  THANKS!!!!!!!

Guest Book Entry #118
09/28/00, 6:28 a.m.
Steve Stremba

Comments: New Sudden Death Rule: After week 5, no one can pick the team that is playing the Bengals. Let's get this game over with and give me the money.

Guest Book Entry #117
09/22/00, 3:50 p.m.
Comments: "Everything you say and do annoys me."

Guest Book Entry #116
09/06/00, 10:24 a.m.
Steve Stremba

Comments: Does Bob Shaner ever get tired of kissing butts?

Guest Book Entry #115
08/31/00, 10:12 a.m.
Bob Shaner
Comments: I know you've been told this a million times already, but you really ARE a genius - a very strong statement coming from a person whose genius light bulb hasn't even dimmed in years. The worst thing I hate about playing your silly sudden death game is that I don't even know who's playing. Now I can go right to your web site, find out who's playing AND make my selection at the same time. Your the only person that makes me feel good about losing $25!! I smell Nobel prize.

Guest Book Entry #114
08/29/00, 2:34 p.m.
Steve Fidalgo
Comments: Cool site!

Guest Book Entry #113
08/25/00, 2:52 p.m.
Bob Shaner
Comments: Who's the cute kid?? How come my comments are always edited out?? When's the football pool start - I need my annual Chris Mal hosing.

Guest Book Entry #112
08/24/00, 12:55 p.m.
Sandy Horning
Comments: Hi Chris, 
Brendan wanted me to check out your web page. Very fancy stuff on there! Do you really think that would scare us away from you? I'd like to request the addition of a link to my favorite theory of evolution - the aquatic ape theory, It is not an exciting website, but a great theory. Looking forward to seeing you sometime in the near future. 
Bye, Sandy

Guest Book Entry #111
08/23/00, 11:49 p.m.
Brendan Kane
Comments: You're a freak! I would have expected nothing less!

Guest Book Entry #110
08/17/00, 10:15 p.m.
Jodi-Lyn Ros
Comments: Dang! A fellow Pennsylvanian. What a trip! I start talking to someone on the 'net about a hoax letter and it turns out we're practically neighbors. It's a small world! I liked your pages very much. Thanks for sharing them with me!

Guest Book Entry #109
08/10/00, 11:44 p.m.
Comments: Spot is adorable. He looks small enough to me. My little Maltese was supposed to be less than half his size. He's 12 lbs. I was expecting a 5 pounder at the most. What can you do? Send 'em back? I think not.

The other puppies are cute too. Looks like everybody loves a Chihuahua!

Are they all paper trained? If so, you may enjoy my web site. 

I designed the Puppyjohn, the plastic tray to hold the newspapers or training pads and protect floors from stains and odors.

If not, I hope you�ll tell all your Chihuahua and Boston loving friends about the Puppyjohn.

And�.I do hope you�ll visit my site too.

Warm regards,

"No more fuss with dirty floors, 'cause you can't take the dog outdoors."

Guest Book Entry #108
08/04/00, 1:46 p.m.
Darth David

Comments: Hiiii from an outlawed member of the LFW! Thanks for the comment on my site! That was the first ever in the guestbook...dip it in bronze, it'll be worth more than the 'people who owe me' put together someday!

Guest Book Entry #107
08/02/00, 3:30 a.m.
Comments: Found you because I was looking for Chihuahua's as I have two myself. Cute site.

Guest Book Entry #106
07/27/00, 9:26 p.m.
Lori (Czarnecki) LaPearl
Comments:  This is my first time on here. You have done a GREAT job Chris!!

Guest Book Entry #105
07/20/00, 8:24 a.m.
Steve Bohen
Comments:  Hope all is well. Say hi to Lori and Lisa for me.  Ciao.

Guest Book Entry #104
07/19/00, 8:08 p.m.
Terry from GPU (Goose)

Guest Book Entry #103
07/18/00, 9:56 a.m.
Beth Stout

  You are an inspiration!! Great job! I haven't updated my web page in a bit. Now I have some motivation.

Guest Book Entry #102
07/18/00, 6:45 a.m.
Anna Schmauch
Comments:  What a great site to visit. Gary always said you were very talented. Tell your parents we are grandparents too. Justin was born 5/5/00. Anna

Guest Book Entry #101
07/17/00, 2:36 a.m.
Comments:  Sports are the opiate of the masses, Chris.

Guest Book Entry #100
07/13/00, 11:23 p.m.
Lindy Jo Jones
Comments:  What a GREAT page you have made...and what a lovely family you have. I have enjoyed my visit with you!  Lindy

Guest Book Entry #99
06/22/00, 8:57 p.m.
Beth Stout

  I LOVE your pages!! What an inspiration! Wonderful job.

Guest Book Entry #98
06/21/00, 8:40 p.m.
Comments:  Thanks for the birthday wish. Tell your sister I said congratulations.

Guest Book Entry #97
06/05/00, 8:45 a.m.
Comments:  First time on, real cool man. Quite impressive!

Guest Book Entry #96
06/02/00, 11:13 a.m.
Oscar Kebriti

Guest Book Entry #95
05/24/00, 12:22 p.m.
Comments:  Chris Mal is awesome :)

Guest Book Entry #94
05/14/00, 11:25 a.m.
Drew Gallagher
Comments:  Was your wife in a big '80s band with that hair? Or just a really big fan of Flock of Seagulls?

Guest Book Entry #93
05/13/00, 10:44 a.m.
Ekim Olipac
Comments:  How about some all-time stats on the Casner Softball team? Chris is the label guy, he makes labels you can buy.

Guest Book Entry #92
04/25/00, 5:01 p.m.
Carl Bass
Comments:  Excellent!! The update even added more interesting items.

Guest Book Entry #91
04/24/00, 11:58 p.m.
Jeff Hoyt
Comments:  Chris, it's been a long time. Sorry I'm not as neat as you, I only have a website for my daughter ( The short story: Went to college, joined the Navy, left the Navy, went to work, quit work to get MS while playing Mr. Mom, now am going back to work. Drop me a note sometime.

Guest Book Entry #90
04/18/00, 11:15 p.m.
Monica Anderson
Comments:  We have to plan sometime to play in May. Life has been so hectic trying to look for a home in super expensive Seattle and I haven't done my homework yet which is due tomorrow.

Guest Book Entry #89
04/18/00, 5:24 p.m.
Barb Hodges
Comments:  Like your web set-up, Chris. Did you know that Phil's sister has two Mexican dogs like yours. I'll stick to my kitty. Hope Bev & you find only good things in your Easter baskets......Barb

Guest Book Entry #88
04/18/00, 1:39 p.m.
Steph Warmkessel
Comments:  Chris, nice web page...but you have too much time on your need to have some kids! Hope all is well with you!

Guest Book Entry #87
04/18/00, 12:44 p.m.
Tracy Holland
Comments:  When I'm home, just can't bear to set foot in my Mother's messy house...My brother never calls me because they have no you've hit on the cleanest most efficient way to keep me posted. Thanks!!!!

Guest Book Entry #86
04/18/00, 8:14 a.m.
Scott Surgeoner

Guest Book Entry #85
04/18/00, 6:53 a.m.
Terry Gilman
Comments:  Nice bunny hiding the eggs!

Guest Book Entry #84
04/18/00, 6:35 a.m.
Neil Light
Comments:  Always nice to check in with old friends.

Guest Book Entry #83
04/17/00, 9:17 p.m.
Al Raquet

Guest Book Entry #82
04/13/00, 1:04 p.m.
Sue Groscup
Comments:  Cool website!

Guest Book Entry #81
04/01/00, 11:10 a.m.
Leanne Seitz
Comments:  Thank-you for your e-mail. I was hoping to be able to find some familiar people from my past. I have since moved from the area I grew up in and I did recognize a few of the names posted on your website. I don't have much time to browse through your site but it looks great! Maybe you could put me in touch with people from my class. I graduated in 1987. Once again, thank you!

Guest Book Entry #80
03/30/00, 3:54 p.m.
Glenn Henne
Comments:  Hello Chris, John just gave me your web address
looks good, take a look at the Owls' and let me know what you think.
Any comment for improvement would be appreciated

Later, Glenn Henne
web address:

Guest Book Entry #79
03/21/00, 10:49 p.m.
Joe Hoffman

Guest Book Entry #78
03/19/00, 7:18 p.m.
Scott Sevart
Comments:  Years ago when men were pure, Wally would say, "Gee you're swell!" Today, society is suspect and I say, "Gee you're swollen!"

Guest Book Entry #77
03/17/00, 12:41 a.m.
Terry Troop
Comments:  I think you should go listen to the Stix song "Too Much Time On My Hands" and learn from it!!! Love this site!!

Guest Book Entry #76
03/08/00, 7:27 p.m.
Comments:  Hi, Chris. (Wow. What an original comment.)

Guest Book Entry #75
03/06/00, 5:19 p.m.
Victor Malinowski
Comments:  What have you got for us in Edmonton Ab.?

Guest Book Entry #74
03/04/00, 10:35 p.m.
Charles Truckermiller

Guest Book Entry #73
02/23/00, 10:34 p.m.
Sara Austin
Comments:  Very nice, Chris. You never do things half-assed.

Guest Book Entry #72
02/18/00, 7:03 a.m.
Bubby, Benny, Girly and Bear
Comments:  Great CAT-scans of us in the "Scan of the Day" section. You're the cat's meow!

Guest Book Entry #71
02/15/00, 9:50 a.m.
John Lykens
Comments:  Chris,
You have way to much time on your hands.
Get busy and have a couple of kids!!!
Good to hear from you!

Guest Book Entry #70
02/14/00, 5:06 p.m.
G-Man (again)
Comments:  Hey, your site is totally cool!
Nah, wait its beyond cool...
Its freakin' genius personified.
Except for the fact that there are no naked pictures....

Guest Book Entry #69
02/14/00, 4:51 p.m.
The G-Man (a.k.a. your brother in-law)
Comments:  You're even more talented (and warped) than I already believed.
Nice site...why aren't we listed in the birthdays section :(
Should have taken a picture of Pierce's facial wound for your sight.

Guest Book Entry #68
02/14/00, 11:26 a.m.
Drew Gallagher
Comments:  In case the love of my life happens to check your website today: "Happy Valentine's Day, Margaret."

Guest Book Entry #67
02/08/00, 12:49 p.m.
Comments:  Chris -- Perhaps you should put an account of the fight we witnessed yesterday at East Wok for others who visit your website to enjoy. Be sure that you mention the flying fried rice and the fact that we were detained by police as witnesses. You might want to replace "gruesome injuries" with a "story of the day" link. Just a thought. 

Guest Book Entry #66
02/02/00, 3:23 p.m.
Comments:  Yo YO YO YO 

Guest Book Entry #65
01/18/00, 10:54 p.m.
Steve Julian
Comments:  Fantilli's doesn't stand a chance this year. 

Guest Book Entry #64
01/18/00, 8:52 p.m.
Mikey Z.
Comments:  WOW!!! This is very niiiicccccceeee!! I'm impressed!! 

Guest Book Entry #63
01/18/00, 5:01 p.m.
Jena Dietrich
Comments:  I didn't know you had a website of your very own... How very impressive! I especially enjoyed the "scans of the week" section. Some nice shots. I don't know anyone featured in the pics, except for your buddy, Drew, but very nice indeed.  Also -- great news about Rob Farr's baby! I'm so glad I looked you up!

Guest Book Entry #62
01/16/00, 8:02 a.m.
Teri & Odette (Mike's cats)
Comments:  We saw Galvin & Spot's homepage and we think we can take them. We want to rumble!!!!! Otherwise, we enjoyed the picture of our owner's injury.

Guest Book Entry #61
01/15/00, 2:54 p.m.
Drew Gallagher
Comments:  Thank god for your website because it is much more entertaining than the current 48-7 Jacksonville thriller! If it wasn't for your website I might have to be doing something productive right now. Thank you Chris.

Guest Book Entry #60
01/05/00, 9:09 a.m.
Dave Vella
Comments:  Nice Job on the page Chris! Although some of the animations made me dizzy! Bill Siska & I are taking a "Languages of the Web" course at a local community college soon. Lots of spare hours spent on this page I bet! Keep up the good work! -Dave 

Guest Book Entry #59
12/28/99, 8:58 p.m.
Comments:  What else needs to be said about this masterpiece? 

Guest Book Entry #58
12/28/99, 2:56 p.m.
Dusty Rhoads
Comments:  Nice job on the website. Happy New Year!

Guest Book Entry #57
12/28/99, 2:42 p.m.
Mark Roberts
Comments:  Chris, Thanks for allowing me to visit your web site; it has been nice checking out what you have available.

Guest Book Entry #56
12/26/99, 7:29 p.m.
Jim Ambrose
Comments:  Keep in touch!

Guest Book Entry #55
12/21/99, 3:36 p.m.
Rob Farr
Comments:  Clearly, the most informative and entertaining site on the 'net!!

Guest Book Entry #54
12/19/99, 11:13 a.m.
Drew Gallagher
Comments:  Your site is so bitchin' I just spilled Apple Butter on Margaret's mouse pad.

Guest Book Entry #53
12/18/99, 11:56 a.m.
Lynn your sister
Comments:  This is the best website on the internet!  I visit everyday when I get bored at work (which is usually by 7:05am) :)  Chris-my-brother, you are brilliant.  I hope your future niece or nephew has 1/10th of your talent!

Guest Book Entry #52
12/14/99, 3:59 p.m.
Comments:  Hey there. Thanks for the view. And thanks for all the BNL news. Keep up the good work and good luck. It looks great!!

Guest Book Entry #51
12/14/99, 10:19 a.m.
Doris Seiders
Comments:  Chris--as usual you've made my day. It's great and certainly made me laugh. Also, contains some great info--movie reviews, etc.

Guest Book Entry #50
12/14/99, 10:01 a.m.
Carl Bass
Comments:  Chris, The WEB site is Great!!! I wish I was as good on computers. I'm learning a little more each day.

Guest Book Entry #49
12/13/99, 12:16 p.m.
Doctor Love
Comments:  Chris, you must have a great deal of money to loan to people. Are you a loan shark or are you very trusting of people and expect them to pay you back? Perhaps, maybe you are the new Santa Claus? Have a great Holiday!

Guest Book Entry #48
12/13/99, 10:51 a.m.
Scott Winterburn
Comments:  Totally tubular site!!!!!

Guest Book Entry #47
12/11/99, 12:19 p.m.
Comments:  Yeah, what Schwartz' two dogs said!

Guest Book Entry #46
12/10/99, 8:45 p.m.
Andy Z
Comments:  $9000 for a Sportster, wow!

Guest Book Entry #45
12/10/99, 8:45 p.m.
Barry Rentschler
Comments:  Cool site..keep up the good work. Have a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you and your wife. 4 years, my how time flies when you are having fun.

Guest Book Entry #44
12/10/99, 6:03 p.m.
Comments:  Yea, this is better.

Guest Book Entry #43
12/10/99, 5:02 p.m.
Chuck Fabo
Comments:  Nice job ... my pal Chris!

Guest Book Entry #42
12/10/99, 3:11 p.m.
Terry Gilman
Comments:  Great site! I enjoyed it.

Guest Book Entry #41
12/10/99, 2:04 p.m.
Chuck Barnhart
Comments:  Interesting web site. I should learn how to do this. Would come in handy for relatives.

Guest Book Entry #40
12/10/99, 1:19 p.m.
Phil Mertz
Comments:  Looks good.

Guest Book Entry #39
12/10/99, 10:08 a.m.
Randy Boyer
Comments:  Far too many sights for one month.

Guest Book Entry #38
12/10/99, 9:53 a.m.
Rick Brackbill
Comments:  Nice !  Happy Holidays !

Guest Book Entry #37
12/10/99, 9:47 a.m.
Comments:  Great website! Bernie & I wish you & Bev a wonderful holiday!

Guest Book Entry #36
12/10/99, 9:43 a.m.
James P. Ambrose
Comments:  This E-mail address is my home E-mail.

Guest Book Entry #35
12/10/99, 9:13 a.m.
Walt's Daughter
Comments:  Well my dad told me to check this thing out.....and even though I should be studying for finals right now I decided to check it out and well.....I enjoyed it very much :)  Merry Christmas Chris Mal.

Guest Book Entry #34
12/05/99, 12:47 p.m.
Buster and Lulu Schwartz
Comments:  It's all about you!

Guest Book Entry #33
12/02/99, 5:22 p.m.
Comments:  Merry Christmas From The Casners

Guest Book Entry #32
12/02/99, 12:45 p.m.
Paul Rosa

Guest Book Entry #31
12/02/99, 6:57 a.m.
James P. Ambrose
Comments:  Great Job

Guest Book Entry #30
12/01/99, 7:17 a.m.
Comments:  Every time you update your website, I have to come up with a witty comment. STOP! The pressure's getting to me! Oh wait...I think I have one more left in me...Never mind. It was just the residual effects of last night's Taco Bell value meal.

Guest Book Entry #29
11/23/99, 1:07 p.m.
Craig Dirks

Guest Book Entry #28
11/22/99, 9:59 a.m.
Carter Cheskey

Guest Book Entry #27
11/21/99, 8:02 p.m.
Steve Malone
Comments:  Chris, keep up the good work. How about your top music picks?

Guest Book Entry #26
11/21/99, 6:43 p.m.
Barb Hodges
Comments:  I've added your page to my favorites. Congrats on being an uncle. My nephew called last Sunday to say they were going to parents in 2000, too. Must be something in the air, huh? Talk with your later............Barb

Guest Book Entry #25
11/21/99, 3:28 p.m.
John Crow
Comments:  Great job, but there are not enough pictures of Drew in unflattering positions.

Guest Book Entry #24
11/19/99, 9:53 p.m.
Carl Rudolph
Comments:  How do you have time to do this stuff!

Guest Book Entry #23
11/19/99, 6:12 p.m.
The Ficks
Comments:  Love the page!
Keep up the GREAT work!
Love ya, the Ficks

Guest Book Entry #22
11/19/99, 11:39 a.m.
Jim Wright
Comments:  A masterpiece.

Guest Book Entry #21
11/19/99, 11:14 a.m.
Hilary Clark

Guest Book Entry #20
11/18/99, 10:00 p.m.
Debbie Petersen
Comments:  Chris, once I finally figured out how to pull up your website I had fun checking it out....

Guest Book Entry #19
11/18/99, 8:03 p.m.
Terry T. Sarangoulis

Guest Book Entry #18
11/18/99, 4:52 p.m.
Lorenzo Paul
Comments:  Nice Site Chris! Did you say you used FrontPage? My site is almost done I just need to add some finishing touches.
When I get a chance maybe we can share some really cool web page animation, tricks etc. 

Have a good one...
Lorenzo "PaulSar" Paul

Guest Book Entry #17
11/18/99, 8:49 a.m.
Comments:  That is one nice Harley for sale, should easily sell for twice that amount. The injury page is great too.  Why is "the scan of the day" and "the scan of the day archives" the same??  Overall this is the coolest site I've ever seen...more pics of me would only help.  Bev makes a good drunk too!! and your rendition of "love shack" can only be described as "incomparable". I'll be sending in my own injury picture from my near fatal car crash of 1985.

Guest Book Entry #16
11/18/99, 8:39 a.m.
Scott Sevart
Comments:  I read a lot of bragging about your super dog, but quite frankly . . . Are you embarrassed about the size of your dog's genitalia?

Guest Book Entry #15
11/18/99, 8:22 a.m.
John Fleming (Notice-only one (1) "M".)
Comments:  You are certifiably nuts...I guess that's why I love you!!!

Guest Book Entry #14
11/18/99, 7:29 a.m.
Paul Rosa

Guest Book Entry #13
11/17/99, 7:26 p.m.
Comments:  How old is that picture of Marcie and me?

Guest Book Entry #12
11/17/99, 4:36 p.m.
Jeff & Karen Reber
Comments:  Remind me not to borrow money from you.

I'm glad I finally have a place to buy all of those hard to find Malinowski related items that everyone always wants for Christmas.

Guest Book Entry #11
11/17/99, 12:11 p.m.
Oscar K

Guest Book Entry #10
11/17/99, 10:33 a.m.
Rick Heffner
Comments:  I plan to return to and delete my homepage. I am humbled in the presence of homepage greatness. [Rick slinks off into internet oblivion.]

Guest Book Entry #9
11/17/99, 10:25 a.m.
Mary DeHaven
Comments:  This is a great idea. Bill and I need to do something like this.

Guest Book Entry #8
11/17/99, 9:22 a.m.
Randy Boyer
Comments:  I am shocked that Pete Gabrielli owes you money. I think you need to wrap a fish in newspaper and mail it to his house. Cement boots would be the next step.

Guest Book Entry #7
11/17/99, 7:56 a.m.
Comments:  My navigator must be off. . . I am finding even less pictures of me on this site than the last one.

Guest Book Entry #6
11/17/99, 7:51 a.m.
Mike Capilo
Comments:  Niiiiiiceeeeeeeee!!!!!!! More injuries please.

Guest Book Entry #5
11/17/99, 7:18 a.m.
Beth Stout

  Wonderful homepage! Great Job!

Guest Book Entry #4
11/17/99, 7:11 a.m.
Mom #2
Comments:  This is my first visit to your site son! Old Mom #2 is very, very impressed. What a guy!

Guest Book Entry #3
11/17/99, 6:49 a.m.
Chad Leas
Comments:  Cool page Chris

Guest Book Entry #2
11/17/99, 5:45 a.m.
Lori Hixon
Comments:  Wonderful site to visit...

Guest Book Entry #1
11/16/99, 11:04 p.m.
Joe Cunliffe's Home Page
Comments:  Awesome Chris!