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FREE to a good home: SPOT THE DOG

Spot, his first day home

Spot, world's greatest fetcher

Spot, laying in the sun, 3/09/02

Spot, only a few weeks old

Regretfully, we feel that we need to find Spot a new home where people are around all day long.  Overall he is a good dog, but he has one strange quirk - he cannot stand when people leave.  It's a very strange form of separation anxiety.  He doesn't destroy anything and once you're out the door he goes to lay down soon afterwards, but as you're going out the door he throws a doggie temper tantrum.  For Bev and I this has been very manageable for the last 7 years that we've had him:  As you walk out the door, you throw a towel down, he grabs it and whips it around in a mad frenzy.  He has never bitten anyone, but we are worried that, soon, when our daughter Jolie is old enough to go in and out, that she won't know any better and in her haste to go through the door that Spot will inadvertently use her as "the temper tantrum towel."  Ideally, Spot needs to be in a home without kids, or with older kids who can handle him as you're leaving.  That, coupled with the fact that his dander has caused me to have trouble breathing through my nose at night, has led us to believe that everyone - including Spot - would be happier if we found him another home now, before Jolie is old enough to become so attached to him that it would be traumatic if we had to get rid of him later.  He's 7 years old, only about 15 pounds, supposedly a pure-bred Chihuahua although he's big for a Chihuahua and an usual black-and-white in color.  CLICK HERE for more pictures.  If you know anyone interested in taking him, please let me know:

Picture Gallery
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This is about as close to Jolie as Spot would like to be.

Spot, laying in the sun, 3/09/02

Spot, laying in the sun, 3/09/02

Spot, laying in the sun, 3/09/02

Spot hiding in the bedroom pillows

Spot wearing his winter jacket

Spot, his first day home

Spot loves helping with the dishes

This is wear you can find Spot all day long when no one is home.

Spot and his Aunt Beth

Spot playing in Ruth and George's front lawn

Spot in a Far Side cartoon

Spot tests Chris

Spot and Galvin begging for people food

Spot and our neighbor, Courtney

Spot, his first day home from the pet store

Bev, Spot, Galvin and Lynn

Spot, Bev and Chris

Spot starring in a Far Side cartoon

Spot sleeping on my leg

Spot, only a few weeks old

Spot, world's greatest fetcher

The world's only smiling dog!

Spot can lift weights!

Spot in the grass at our old condo in Wyomissing


Picture Gallery
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Jolie with Daddy and her cousin Galvin the Chihauhau!

Galvin, Memorial Day 2002

Galvin is about 1/2 the size of Spot.


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